Bronze TOP BATTLES studies #9 + Delegation + Giveaway

Watching great players

If you want to make the most out of your Splinterlands collection, you have to play it yourself and win! That's what's going to make the most bang for your buck. But if you want to win, you have to study the game, otherwise you'll do nothing but waste your time, all while not earning as much as you could.

That's what we're doing in Bronze TOP BATTLES Studies: we analyze three battles from the highest MMR players, learn their strategies and try improving upon them. That's how we're going to become great players that make more money. We begin after our giveaways!


Djinn Oshannus delegation

The most upvoted comment by value in this post wins a regular foil Djinn Oshannus for the rest of the season! This is only valid until my next post is up, so participate as soon as possible.

Random common card giveaway

Additionally, a random comment is awarded a common card, which is sent to your account before my next post is created. This is only valid until my next post is up, so participate as soon as possible.

Winners from my last post

Thank you for participating and I hope you join again!




@kjchemical vs @vcross (link)

In this Close Range match, @kjchemical doesn't use that rule to his advantage. Instead, they decide to suffocate their opponent's attacks which would likely try to use this rule set to its fullest.

Three tanky monsters upfront boasting Return Fire, along with sneak attackers wearing extra armored protection. This combination suffocates @vcross' volley of arrows! Snipers weaken themselves at the same time they're attacked by @kjchemical's sneak attacks.

A wonderful match where prediction decided who would win. This battle was over even before team selection began!




@mainnijr vs @erkman (link)

General Sloan and Silvershield Archers make an excelent combination. Centaur Archer tanks for long enough while Venari Crystalsmith heals him. Silvershield Archers cause pain! A sucession of quick attacks that's just too much, even for Yodin Zaku.

Obviously, this is great news for all non-leaderboard players. Now that bronze chests are much more valuable than before, players can bathe in both glory and rewards even when they're not spending that much in rentals. Come on, it's just a level 2 General Sloan!

However, I'm sure @erkman's team could have seen a couple of simple improvements, like using something better than Xenith Archer. That monster is just awful.

Replacing Xenith Archer with anything that helps your monsters connect attacks would be much better, even if it's just something like Creeping Ooze. The amount of missed attacks on Pelacor Conjurer is infuriating.




@awufos4 vs @swole93 (link)

@awufos4 was a miracle maker here. They've beaten a Llama Kron team without using Llama Kron, not to mention they're not using summoner advantage either.

It's just that they put together such a great Melee Mayhem team, nothing could stop it! You can't even argue it would lose to Llama Grund, because Grund would end up killing itself on Mylor's thorns.

Receive my praise, @awufos4, for that was really impressive!!!


Image sources: and @nane-qts/free-splinterlands-graphic-resources-20

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