5 reason why I went all in on DJINN OSHANNUS

Some times you just need to pull the trigger on something and I finally did it. I don't have many level 2 legendary cards, in fact only 1 other. However I have recently been playing alot of Alric and this card is a standard second slot.

Reason 1 I went in

Now that Alric is not in the start pack we are going to see less magic vs. Magic battles which means if I can get phases going not o ly does Djinn debuff magic, he can also dodge it as well as other physical attacks making it a even better tank


Reason 2 I went in

Earth just got a magic boost, this guy is going to ignore that nicely, so we have a tank with no thorns to hit with and magic is sliding off it

Reason 3 I went in

We have two healers! So now I am dodging every second attack with 5 speed and having for 11 health

Reason 4 I went in

That sweet health boost, I got 2 stats, phase and 11 health, huge advantage


Final reason

Price! Never been cheaper to get one with the new packs releasing ! Yes I was hoping to get some in rewards but this will have to do


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