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Playing Splinterlands For the 2nd Time. I'm on a streak

Hey guys its Day 2 of me playing splinterlands and I have been on a streak I meant a loose streak I have lost 15 times consecutively it may sound bad but those 15 times loss made me learn a lot about the game like what mana cap and the cards and their abilities, its actually pretty cool. "Never judge a book by its cover". But the problem I had is that I didn't judge the book by its cover I judged it by its battles the cover is actually pretty awesome.


My 15 Loose streak ended and I have been on a winning streak since (mostly because the people I've been playing with didn't even make to the match thy surrendered but hey it still counts) I wouldn't say I'm at gat point were I'd say splinterlands is awesome the best game out there am at that point were I say that splinterlands is alright. One of my last battles was pathetic the guy had all his cards with full lives and everything he started with.

I think it was just my luck. That guys was just too much I did nothing wrong in my arranging of cards at least I don't think I did anything wrong well I barely did anything I can't even select which attacks goes to which card I just click rumble and then I just watch my team Loose. Sad right what was more sad was when I mistakenly clicked surrender.

Well so far the game seems nice and interesting and I've seen several videos and posts on how to play splinterlands but I think I just rather teach myself to play like I do with most of my games. Wish Me luck

I hope you XL in whatever you do