👹Splinterlands Savagery💪

The Assault on Veterans' Homelessness


A tournament is eminent, and once initiated, will be done every month on the same date. We are hoping for a few generous souls to help with the rewards. Currently, we have 10,000 DEC in the pot to split with the winners. Any gaming guilds or games themselves, that would like to contribute and help in your promotional stances, please send them to @enginewitty with a relevant memo, or comment down below what you are committing.

We are aiming to have them on the 15th of every month, so that gives you a little over a week (this month) to jump in the 'fray' with your donations. Entry fees will be right at 1 HIVE and used to further the CAV TOKEN initiative started by myself and fellow witnesses @inthenow and @veteranforcrypto. The funds raised will be used to help the homeless #veterans in this instance, by giving it all to a local charity (or personally to a known vet) in one (or all) of our cities.

All enemies, foreign and domestic.

If you would simply like to support the #Veterans that have consistently been pushed to the side and given a piece of their life to see to it that we are a (relatively) free country, then by all means, please do. You can do this by purchasing the CAV token, voting for our witnesses, or simply sending any HIVE or Hive-Engine tokens to @tokencav. Thank you in advance.

In Cooperation With:

VAULT by @hiveupme teamWINEX by @roger.remixTANgent by @theguruasiaCAV by the Veterans

Official Witness Representing:

The Alliance 360.pngPIMP 360.pngSGS 360.pngpsyberx witness rep360.png
@thealliance Family
The PIMP District
@psyberx (LVL 1)

thealliance new pagebreak 2.png

because I can
So Can WE
Vote Witty

Is Voting #WITNESSES difficult?
Let me do it for you!
Set Witty as your --->PROXY VOTER!<---

enginewitty hive witness.png

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