Splinterlands Social Media Challenge! in brawl champion number 1

hello all of you fighters. Have you guys played or just watched today's fight?
introduce my name is Ahmad badrud duja who is usually called badrud.


let's enliven this world with the world of splinterlands battle. like the purpose of this post I want to contribute to making a big trend with the splinterlands community around the world. and let's get started social media challenge.

as already written above, let's enliven various social media with the splinterlands battle and make a big trend. let go.!

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OK, friends, this time I want to share my experience in one of the brawls between guilds.

this time I took part in a brawl battle, previously I joined the Alpha guild and it was an Indonesian guild, I like this guild because the people are friendly and we help each other. You can use English or Indonesian here.
and of course what I talked about earlier I followed brawl and it was in fray 8 which rules the silver league cup. with a maximum of level 5 common cards, level 4 rare cards, level 3 epic cards, level 2 legendary cards and of course free to use regular foil or gold foil.

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as you can see above. that's what my battle looks like in this brawl. or you can see it directly here .
I fought a guild called TALK TO THE HAND Here I chose the dragon element combined with the water element and let's continue the brawl.


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The regulation this time has ferocity, equal opportunity, weak magic. 99 mana cup, and can use fire, water, life, dragon, earth elements.

  • we talk about the cards and their abilities

  • Screen[splinterlands](https://ecency.com/hive-13323/@splinterlands/splinterlands-weekly-curation-challange-august-29-2023?referral=duja)shot 2023-08-31 00.48.07.png In this brawl I brought a dragon summoner named HELIOS MATRIARCH I brought this summoner because currently he is one of the highest level summoners on the cards I have. This summoner has the ability to add +1 speed to the monster I'm taking part in this time, that's quite good because it can make my monster fight first and there's a chance the opponent's attack could miss. This second ability is what makes me more confident in using this dragon summoner, apart from the first ability, this second ability is called conscript where I can use the gladiator cards that I have.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-31 00.50.32.png for the first monster card I chose DJINN CHWALA I like to make him a tank in my battles. epic card, decent attack melle and has quite strong defense and is supported by quite a lot of life. I also rely on the strength of this card Thorns. With that, I'm sure I will win using him as the vanguard or tank in my fight this time.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-31 00.50.58.png My second monster card is RELENOR CLEAVER this is a gladius card that I use to strengthen and protect and spend tank cards from opponents. how could he not have a big attack, strong defense plus a lot of life that made me without hesitation to put him in a brawl. also no less important this card has the ability, namely bloodlust and reach so that if he manages to kill one monster opponent then he gets stronger.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-31 00.51.15.png The third monster is DIEMONSHARK I chose him because he is a rare card with level 4, which is the maximum level in the silver league. His speed is fast, especially with the abilities of my summoner, and he has lots of defenses and lots of lives. I used him in third position because my brawl this time had equal opportunity rules and he could quickly attack the opponent's cards with little life, with his trample ability I like him.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-31 00.51.46.png this is COASTAL SENTRY a water element card that has the ability to double strike to attack 2x in one round, this fits perfectly with the brawl rules this time, namely equal opportunity so I can spend my opponent's cards more quickly.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-31 00.52.11.png ARCHEMIS THE BEAR is the monster card that I chose in position 5 in my brawl. He is a neutral card with the ability that I rely on to strengthen my monster defense, namely protect, and with that ability I can survive my enemy's attacks longer.
  • Screenshot 2023-08-31 00.52.27.png this is just one of the complements that I have to divert enemy attacks only to him first and that's what I use to protect my monster cards in this early round
  • fight in battle using the cards above

here's a picture of my battle in the brawl this time

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In the first round I managed to kill 1 of my opponent's monsters which was used as a tank

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the second round I spent 1 more of my opponent's monster cards

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the third round I see that my opponent's card is 2 left hahahaha

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and in the fourth round it was time for me to win

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this time let's discuss together, so for this brawl I feel satisfied that I might be saved by the existing rules, if there are rules you have to follow them as much as possible, the enemy brought the same summoner but I have a higher level, they brought even 5 legendary cards and 1 pack of rare cards. but they were careless by using 2 cards that have the ability to taunt whereas in this brawl there is a rule called ferocity so my attacks were mostly on cards that have the ability to taunt. so that can be used as a lesson or a little knowledge that we can get from the brawl this time. and for now our guild is in the first position and gets sps and crown merits. here is the appearance.

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our guild won 1st place to get 4,563 merits and 20,997 sps. it's been very exciting and don't forget to take part in the brawl at another time.


Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.

  • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
  • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
  • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterlands

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