hello residents of splinterlands. always healthy for all of you. I hope your battles always get the best and let's keep fighting. Now I will talk a little about the newest monster card and it is currently quite sought after because the abilities it has are quite great.

he is a monster card that has just come out with the newest abilities. you can see it below.

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For more details, you can stop by Splinterlands and you will find out what Mentaroth is like. I did this battle in Bronze League 1. Now I'm experimenting to find out what strategy can beat this newest card. and recently I battled using my favorite gladius monster card. QUORA is the name, here I am playing with the rules below and getting a fairly small manacap.

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To repeat a little, for you to bring a gladius card into battle, you have to use a summoner card with the ability to summon gladiator cards. or you can bring it with a note that there are regulations for you to use this gladius card.


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In this battle, I used a summoner reward card with soulbond edition. manacap 16 is my favorite haha. where for manacap like that I don't really care what strategy to use. My main choice is the earth element by bringing the summoner above and the quora monster card to make me the only monster in the battle. This proved quite effective against the enemy. So that it doesn't take too long, let's just look at my battle this time.

You can click on this image to see the battle live.

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Guess who will win this battle? If you choose QUORA it's a sign that we are of the same mind. For MANTAROTH at level 1 I don't think it's too strong because he doesn't have the ability to repair his body. His attacks are actually quite ordinary, but his armor is quite difficult to defeat if the armor can attack and repair the armor he has.
My enemy uses the heal element to protect their cards so they can survive longer. But don't take it lightly to defeat Quora who has the ability to heal her life and 2 good attacks with melee and magic attacks. There are 2 possibilities to penetrate to attack the health of the opponent's monster. It took quite a long battle and finally I won against him MANTAROTH

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