Splinterlands Challenge Stampede Earth Element

Older & Bolder (5).gif

hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja who is usually called badrud. Greetings all

Battle Witch Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


Welcome back to battle mage secret this time here I follow it with enthusiasm and I hope your day is full of blessings, everyone. For this battle, I fought a legendary summoner of the earth element. here I play it in diamond league 2 and let's continue this game. victory is on our side today.


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as you can see in the picture above, this is the ruleset for this battle, namely: Stampede where trample will retrigger infinitely as the trampling unit keeps killing other units. prime use case for summoner possibilus the wise.

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The rules I got for this battle are 2, namely reverse speed and stampede, reverse speed is the monster with the lowest speed attacks first and has the highest chance of dodging the attack and stampede is which is as I explained above and this is the challenge or rule in the secret mage battle this time.

  • this time the rules get 38 manacap
  • There are only 6 elements that can be used, namely: fire, water, earth, life, death and dragon . with that the other 0 elements cannot be used


tap the image to see the battle.
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and this is the initial appearance of my battle against my enemy with the legendary earth summoner element while I use the Balthazar scholarship account with account number 708. and let's continue with my strategy in this battle and here are the cards that I can use in battle.

strategies are used to win the battle on the blog this time.

card imageabilityexplanation
Screenshot 2023-09-15 00.10.50.png OBSIDIANThis summoner card has the ability all monsters magic attack has +1 magic attack abilityfor this battle I chose a summoner with the earth element called OBSIDIAN where the reason I rely on him is because here the earth element is very good for me where I have a lot of strong monster cards there and the most important thing is they mostly have low speed and this is a good strategy. suitable for battle with the rules this time. as additional information, when there are battle rules similar to this, I almost never lose when I use a strategy like this, which you can try. and I chose this summoner where in the earth element I have many cards with magic attacks that are very capable of fighting with this mana stamp and I am sure I will win the battle this time. Below are the monster cards I used for this battle, I hope you enjoy them.
Screenshot 2023-10-20 18.56.32.png MYCELIC INFANTRYThis monster card has the ability to Shield, Giant Killer and Enrage (max level)The first monster I used or included to make it a front guard or tank this time was MYCELIC INFANTRY where it has a shield ability, namely Reduces damage from Melee and Ranged attacks by 50%. next is the giant killer, namely Does double damage against targets that costs 10 or more mana. and the last one is enrage where This unit has 50% bonus Melee attack and Speed ​​when not at full health. the reason I used him as my tank this time is that with his very strong abilities he deserves to be used as a tank and this time he benefits from the battle rules this time, namely reverse speed where he only has 1 speed in the stats he has and this will be an advantage he's in battle this time. The strength of his shield is also one of the abilities that a tank must have so that it cannot die as fast as lightning but can survive melee and ranged attacks carried out by the enemy. The giant killer is also good because I expect that my opponent this time will bring a monster card with a high mana cost and enrage will be an additional strength for him even though it will increase his speed and attack more slowly than it should. Plus the trample ability he got from the battle rules this time, called stampede, added greatness to my battle this time and continued on to my second monster.
Screenshot 2023-10-20 19.08.10.png MADCAP MAGUSkar This monster has the abilities Scattershot and Life Leech (level 5)and my second card is MADCAP MAGUS and here I put him in the second part because I saw he had a magic attack and it suited the abilities of the summoner I brought this time. he has 2 abilities, namely scattershot, namely Ranged and Magic attacks, hitting a random enemy target. and life leech where the Unit's health increases each time it damages an enemy Unit's health by half the damage dealt. and the reason I brought him is that even though he is the only monster card that is not at the maximum level that I used in this battle, he is very reliable for the rules of this battle. The first is that he has low speed and that is a plus for him this time and the second is that he has a magic attack which I explained earlier. Now let's discuss the ability, which is scattershot. This time I use it when the opponent's opponent brings a monster card with little health. I want the luck of his attack to hit him and kill the opponent's monster card faster. With the magic attack he has plus his ability from the summoner, I'm enough. I'm sure it could be a good strategy for him this time. I use this life leech ability to maintain his health so that he doesn't lose easily and I rely on him when the monster card that I made a tank falls and he takes over and then becomes this second guard. and move on to my next monster.
Screenshot 2023-09-15 00.13.09.pngGOBLIN PSYCHICThis monster card has the abilities to tank heal , affliction, silence and dispel (level max)The third monster I chose was GOBLIN PSYCHIC where he has the tank heal ability, namely Restores a third of max health to the Unit in the first position each round. and the second ability is affliction where When this Unit hits a target, it has a 50% chance of applying Affliction on the target causing it to be unable to be healed. and his third ability is silence which Reduces the Magic Attack of all enemy Units by 1. and the last ability he has is dispel which is When this monster hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy.dan the reason I chose him in 3rd place in this battle is the first he has a small speed as I also explained above he is the favorite in this battle, even though his mana cost is moderate in my opinion, but he has a lot of abilities, the first thing I use him for helps my tank last longer with the heal tank ability it has. For these two abilities, I use Affliction to anticipate if my enemy uses the healing ability on the monster they choose and this is a counter to this ability and is very good for you to try. The third skill is silence which I use to reduce the magic attacks that will be used by my opponent and I am quite sure that my opponent this time will use quite a lot of monster cards with magic attacks and this is the strategy I use. and the final ability is dispel, although for me this ability is not very important but is very helpful in battle. Almost all of its powers are very useful for battle and this card can be your choice to include in a widely used magic attack and help your tank from behind to strengthen your strategy. Apart from its abilities, this monster card has 7 health, its very low speed has good value for my battle this time. Of course this is one of my favorite cards in the Earth element. and move on to the next.
Screenshot 2023-09-15 00.13.53.pngQUEEN MYCELIAThis monster card has the abilities to protect, amplify, triage and rust (max level)for the fourth position in my formation or battle strategy this time I chose QUEEN MYCELIA whose ability is protect where All friendly Units gain +2 Armor. and the second ability is amplify, namely Increases Magic Reflect, Return Fire, and Thorns damage to all enemy units by 1. the third ability is triage Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health. and don't forget the last ability he has is rust which Reduces the Armor of all enemy Units by 2. and the reason I chose him in battle was that I first chose him because he has a magic attack and that will be useful for the summoner's abilities that will be given to him besides that I use the protect ability to provide armor to all the monsters that I participate in the battle. It can help protect my monster cards from melee and ranged attacks used by my enemy this time. amplify is not very useful in this battle and continues with its third ability, namely triage, this is one of the abilities that I rely on where I want to strengthen the back line of my strategy. and the last one is rust, I want to remove the enemy's armor even though I use magic attacks in this battle. having a small mana cost with the many abilities he has, this is a must for you to try in the battle you are fighting. And don't forget one important thing this time, it is a monster card that has very low speed and you must try this if you find a ruleset that relies on low speed to attack first.
Screenshot 2023-10-07 23.41.33.pngSPIRIT HOARDERThis monster card has the abilities to triage, dispel and blind (level max)and let's continue with the fifth monster card in this strategy. I chose SPIRIT HOARDER to be in place in my strategy this time, which has a triage ability where Heals the friendly back-line Unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health. and rust, namely Reduces the Armor of all enemy Units by 2. and the reason I brought this monster is that it is a monster card with a neutral element that I can use in various elements for battle. having a magic attack is one of the things where I want to take advantage of the abilities that I use this time so that he has additional attacks that he has from the summoner abilities that I use in this battle. having a small mana cost is quite good with the small mana cap rules and the triage ability I need to strengthen my back line from enemy attacks and he can restore the health of my monster cards that are in the back line in my strategy this time. and dispel and blind I don't really care about it but it's quite useful for my battle this time. and the other most important thing that I left out is that he has low speed, which I have repeatedly told you, this is the core of my strategy in my battle rules this time. and let's continue what monster cards I use next.
Screenshot 2023-10-19 15.22.30.pngMYCELIC SL IPSPAWNThis monster card has the abilities to taunt , forcefield and slow (level max)continue to the last monster card. This time I chose MYCELIC SLIPSPAWN where he has the ability to taunt where All enemy Units target this Unit (if they are able to). and the second ability is forcefield and slow. the reason I chose him in this battle is that he has very high health and not only that he also has abilities that are useful for my battle strategy this time. taunt as I explained above is the ability that I use with him. I can carry out the triage ability which in battle I have these 2 abilities from the monster cards that I brought before. and that's not the only forcefield ability. This Unit takes only 1 damage from attacks with power 5 or higher. I use it to avoid that if the enemy brings a monster card that has a lot of attacks above 5 attack power, he will be able to survive longer by reducing it to just 1 attack. slow Reduces the Speed ​​of all enemy Units by 1. I use it to reduce the speed of the enemy to attack me first. and let's see the continuation of my battle this time.


You can see my battle live here or you can watch it on my YouTube video below, don't forget to like, subscribe and share. If you can't play it, you can continue reading this blog and see pictures of my battle in the continuation of this blog below.


ronde 1
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ronde 2
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ronde 3
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ronde 4
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ronde 5
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and finally I won.

let's see what the opponent's strategy is like. So what I can see in my opponent's strategy this time is that they brought a legendary summoner from the earth element which has a void ability which is a bit scary for me to beat my strategy this time. but not only that, I saw imperfections in my opponent's choice of monster cards this time. It's true that he carries quite a lot of monster cards with low speed, but judging from the tank's abilities, I'm pretty sure I can easily finish off the opponent's tank. Even though my tank is quite strong, my strategy this time is to rely on my monster cards which are at the back where, as I explained, I want all the enemy monsters to attack him and I will maximize the double triage ability that I have this time.

round 1 as usual all summoners give their abilities. and in round 2 you can see where many of the enemy's magic attacks only have 1, so my strategy was quite effective this time. In round 3 you can see that even though our monster cards are the same, there are 5 remaining, but my ability is superior. In round 4, it became increasingly clear that I would win and the peak was in round 5, I won the battle this time.
I got 12 points and 5+ sps
that's my suggestion. Use the strategy that you think is best and don't forget to have fun.



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  • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
  • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterlands
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