battle mage secrets silenced summoner versus legendary summoner

hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja who is usually called badrud. Greetings all

Battle Witch Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


brawl! (3).gif


On this tiring day, I entertained myself again by playing Splinterlads and continuing with the challenge with Silenced Summoners rules. here I play on the Balthazar scholarship account, here I play it in the diamond 3 league.

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and welcome to the rules of the secret battle mage challenge this time, namely Silenced Summoners where as explained in the picture above this challenge "summoner cards do not give any buffs/debuffs or grant/use abilities. use your lowest cost and highest level summoner within this ruleset "The conclusion is that in this challenge you will not get any power from the summoner card you choose and using a summoner card with a low mana cost is very profitable, but you have to look at the level of the highest summoner card or according to the league you are playing.


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These are the rules that I got in this battle, namely there are 3 rules that I got. 1. silenced summoners: summoners do not give any stat buffs or debuffs or grant/use any abilities (this is the rule in battle mage secret this time) 2. briar patch: all monsters have the thorns ability (for this rule it is recommended to use monster cards who have ranged attacks or magic attacks) 3. aim true: attacks always hit their target (no missed attacks in this battle)

  • 21 mana cap earned in this battle.
  • There are 4 active elements, namely fire, water, death and dragon. earth and life elements cannot be used this time.


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In this battle, I brought 1 summoning card and 6 monster cards and I chose my favorite water element this time, namely: KEYLA FRENDUL. and followed by my 6 monster cards. 1. chaos agent 2. torrent fiend 3. angelic mandarin 4. spirit hoarder 5. igor darkspear 6. wave brood

card imageabilityexplanation
Screenshot 2023-08-22 03.07.54.png keyla frendulall friendly monsters have +1 speed and all friendly have +1 armorAs I told you, KEYLA FRENDUL is one of my favorite summoners who has the ability to provide protection and speed to the monsters I bring into battle but unfortunately for this match even though he has very strong abilities useful for battle but it's not useful this time with the challenges I explained above.
Screenshot 2023-09-15 00.12.49.png chaos agenthe has the ability to dodge, phase and backfireFor the first monster card I chose CHAOS AGENT where this time I wanted to use my strategy where I would not bring a monster card with a melee attack because there were thorns in this battle. I made him a tank that is agile enough to dodge but here there are annoying true aim rules and I will use him as a front protector.
Screenshot 2023-08-31 21.00.50.png torrent fiendhe has the ability to headwindsFor number two I chose Torrent Fiend to be behind my tank monster card. The reason I used him in this battle is that apart from having a 0 mana cost, he also has the ability to headwind, that is, he can reduce the enemy's long range attacks and this time I am quite sure that the opponent will use a lot of range attacks against me this time.
Screenshot 2023-08-22 04.06.57.png angelic mandarinhe has triage and silence abilitiesI rely on Angelic Mandarin in number three, where he is the first to have the triage ability: heals the friendly back-line unit that has taken the most damage by a third of max health. (essentially I want this power to strengthen my defense at the back if my monster card is attacked) and the second ability is silance: reduces the magic attack of all enemy units by 1. (after I already have and use a monster card that reduces the attack range this time I also want to reduce the magic attack from the opponent which I think my opponent will use )
Screenshot 2023-09-17 00.19.36.png S PIRIT HOARDERhe has triage, dispel and blind abilitiesThe order of monster cards number four, I chose SPIRIT HOARDER, the reason I chose him was first, he has a triage ability, where I want to strengthen my lineup by using lots of monster cards that have triage abilities, the second is dispel, namely when this monster hits an enemy, it clears all positive status effects on that enemy. (where I don't need the ability but it doesn't matter) and the last ability is blind all enemy melee & ranged attacks have a 15% higher chance of missing their target. (I consider this as an additional capability only)
Screenshot 2023-10-02 00.27.43.png IGOR DARKSPEARhe has the ability to stunfifth position I chose IGOR DARKSPEAR for the reason I chose him in this battle is that he has quite a lot of health and quite fast speed and the ability that supports him is stun, namely when a unit with stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn. (with this I have the opportunity if the enemy's attack can be blocked and not attack)
Screenshot 2023-10-02 00.33.04.png WAVE BROODhe has the ability to taunt, close range, void and return fireand the sixth or last monster card is the key to my strategy this time where I will use WAVE BROOD which is quite strong and he can attack back. The first reason I brought it was the taunt ability, namely all enemy units target this unit (if they are able to). Basically, I made him a point of attack, which I used to protect my tank in front, not only that, I used him as a point of attack for the opponent, which, as I explained, for the ability of monster cards with triage, I have these 2 strengths, I'm quite sure to make this WAVE BROOD strong and unmatched in this battle.

The next reason is that he has void and return fire abilities so he can reduce magic attacks and he can reverse the opponent's long-range attacks that he receives.


you can see my match here. or you can see it in the YouTube video below and if you still can't, you are advised to read it to the end and I will explain at the bottom.


ronde 1

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in the first round, nothing was done by the summoner because of the rules above. but for this round I am quite optimistic that I will win this battle

ronde 2

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in the second round, many people died from my opponent's monster cards.

ronde 3

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and in the third round, as you can see, my monster cards still have 6 remaining and my opponent's monster cards only have three remaining.

ronde 4

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and here is the location of our last battle where I will win where my opponent only has one monster card left.


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victory is on my side


even though my opponent brought a legendary summoner card, it didn't matter enough for the rules this time. Look for monster cards that can reduce your opponent's attacks and if you can, looking for or using monster cards that can reverse your opponent's attacks is highly recommended.

keep your enthusiasm and don't forget to keep playing the Splinterlands card game with lots of fun.



Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.

  • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
  • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
  • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterlands
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