
hello, meet again with me Ahmad badrud duja. Greetings all, How is your challenge this time?

Battle mage Secrets is a challenge that is held once a week by Splinterlands, so let's take part.


Welcome back to battle mage secret this time here I follow it with enthusiasm and I hope your day is full of blessings, everyone. For this battle, I fought a summoner of the dragon element. here I play it in diamond league 1 and let's continue this game. victory is on our side today. (bhaltazar scholarship account)


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as you can see in the picture above, this is the ruleset for this battle, namely: Armored Up where All units get a +2 armor buff at the beginning of the game. Use Void Armor to ensure that magic attacks strike armor first. Use Shatter or Piercing to destroy your opponent's armor more effectively.


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The rules I got for this battle are 3, namely: 1.Weak Magic. 2.Armored Up. 3.Aim True. (1.Weak Magic: Magic attacks hit armor before reducing Health. this is the essence of the rules that I entered into this battle in the Splinterlands challenge. 2.Armored Up: All Monsters have 2 armor in addition to their normal armor stat. 3.Aim True: Attacks always hit their target.)

  • this time the rules get 42 manacap
  • There are only 3 elements that can be used, namely: fire, death, and dragon. with that the other 3 elements cannot be used such as ( water, earth, and life.)


Click the image to watch this battle live.

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and this is the initial appearance of my battle against my enemy with the summoner element dragon while I use the Balthazar scholarship account with account number 708. and let's continue with my strategy in this battle and here are the cards that I can use in battle.

strategies are used to win the battle on the blog this time.

card imageabilityexplanation
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.51.08.png CON QUEROR JACEKhe has the ability All friendly Monsters have + 2 speed. All friendly Monsters receive the Scattershot ability at the start of the battle, which affects Range and Magic attacks (Melee attacks still use normal targeting rules). All friendly Monsters receive the piercing ability at the start of the battle.for this battle, as you can see in the rules I have explained above. There are 3 element choices that I can use, fire, death and dragon. with a choice of lady's abilities where all monster cards will get armor in this battle. I chose the legendary fire summoner for this battle. the reason I chose this summoner is because he will provide piercing abilities to all the friendly monster cards that I have. of course it's good for penetrating the armor that all monster cards will have. not only that. he will also give me a speed that can speed up my monster card's attack and get the scattershot ability, which in my opinion is a bit of a gamble because I don't know where my monster's attack will be aimed at. and let's just discuss the monster cards that I included in the battle this time.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.51.51.png FORGOTTEN ONEhe has the ability Immunity: This unit is immune to negative status effects. Retaliate: When hit with a Melee attack, Units with Retaliate have a 50% chance of immediately attacking their attacker. Piercing: If Melee or Ranged attack damage is in excess of the target's Armor, the remainder will damage the target's Health. (max level)The first monster card that I used as a tank in this battle was FORGOTTEN ONE. he is a monster card with the fire element and he is an epic card with the max level that I used in this battle. His abilities are as I explained below and he has stats of 6 melee attack, 5 armor, 10 health and 2 speed. (It hasn't received any additions or subtractions.) The reason I chose him in this battle is, he is a monster card that seems to be made to be used as a vanguard or tank in every battle. His stats and abilities are very suitable for making him a defense in my opinion. having a high melee attack immunity ability means he is immune to all negative effects, flatiate has the opportunity to return the opponent's attack and piercing can penetrate defenses. it is one suitable choice to make him a tank. having high armor and lots of health are good additional stats. In my opinion, his weakness is only in the speed section where he has relatively low speed and with the summoner's abilities that I used in this battle, I think he can cover all of that and hopefully he will become a tank that can protect other monster cards.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.52.29.png RADIATED BRUTEhe has the ability Reach: Melee attack Units with the Reach ability may attack from the second position on the team. Enrage: This unit has 50% bonus Melee attack and Speed ​​when not at full health. (max level)continue to the second monster card for this battle. The monster card this time I chose RADIATED BRUTE, it is a monster card with the fire element, this is a monster card with a melee attack which is suitable to be used as a card in sequence number 2. It has 4 melee attack stats, 2 armor which are obtained from the rules this time, The 6 speeds are the additions you get in this battle. (given by the summoner's ability that I use or the rules this time) and not only that, he also has the ability that I have explained next to this article. The reason I chose this monster card as the number two monster card choice in this battle is, even though it is a monster card with a melee attack, it can attack because it has the reach ability. Apart from that he also has the ability to enrage which I think will be quite useful when his health starts to suffer and he has 6 health which in my opinion is enough to fight the enemy and help to kill the opponent's monster cards which will be used by my enemy as a tank in this battle. this.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.53.10.png LAVA LAUNCHERhe has the ability Close Range: Units with the Close Range ability can perform ranged attacks from the first position. Stun: When a Unit with Stun hits a target, there is a 50% chance that the target will skip its next turn. (max level)For monster card number 3 in this battle, I chose a monster card with the fire element and I used all fire element cards in this battle. his name is LAVA LAUNCHER, this is the monster card with the attack range that I chose in this battle. he is a monster card with a range attack and has good abilities in my opinion. with a fairly high mana cost, I didn't think too much about it, so I got enough manacap in this battle according to the rules I got. The stats that this monster card has are 5 attack range, 9 armor, 6 health and 5 speed (that is the total of additional rules and summoner abilities that I use) in this battle he has several abilities which I think are very good in several battles such as the close range ability he has to enable him to attack even though he is at the very forefront with the attack range he has, stun to stop the opponent's attack in 1 round if it hits my opponent when he gets this attack with a fairly high probability. So the reason I chose him in this battle is firstly his high attack ability, lots of armor and the abilities he has can be seen that he is one of the monster cards that is strong and can be relied on in battle for quite a lot of manacaps.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.53.56.png MOLTEN ASH GOLEMhe has the ability Close Range: Units with the Close Range ability can perform ranged attacks from the first position. Weaken: Reduces the Health of all enemy Units by 1. Demoralize: Reduces the Melee attack of all enemy Units by 1. (max level)Moving on to monster card number four in this battle, I chose a monster card called MOLTEN ASH GOLEM. he is a monster card with the fire element and with a range attack which has stats of 3 range attack, 2 armor 10 health and 4 speed (already has the existing abilities and rules) not only that, he also has the abilities that I have explained in writing next to this . The reason I chose him in this battle was his abilities. as I explained previously, the close range ability is quite important when all the monster cards on the front are dead and he must be at the forefront with this ability even though he is a monster card with a range attack but with this ability he will be able to attack the enemy from the front . Not only that, I used awakening and demoralizing to reduce my opponent's health and melee attacks in this battle. Overall I think he is a monster card that is a support and I made him a level two defender when all my monster cards that I used in my initial strategy had started to die.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.54.36.png LAVA SPIDERhe has the ability Snipe: Targets the first enemy Unit with Ranged, Magic, or no attack that is not in the first position with Ranged or Magic attacks. Snare: When attacking enemies with Flying, removes the Flying ability and cannot miss. Poison: Attacks have a 50% chance to apply poison, which does automatic damage to the target at the beginning of each round after the poison is applied. (max level)The next monster card or card number five that I chose in this battle is LAVA SPIDER. he is a monster card with the fire element and he is a card with a range attack that I used in this battle. As the back line in this battle I chose a card with a range attack. I didn't use magic attack in this battle. For cards with the fire element, I don't think there are any good cards and cheap mana costs for me to take part in this battle and that I have. and in this battle there is a weak magic rule where magic attacks will hit the armor first. The stats this card has are 2 attack range, 2 armor, 6 health and 6 speed. He is a fairly fast card with the abilities and stats he gets from this game. The ability he has is quite dangerous, the one I like is poison, where he can give poison to the enemy, snipe he will attack the enemy's monster card with a ranged or magic attack first. and snare to get monster cards with flying abilities so you can't avoid them by flying. The reason I chose this monster card was poison as an ability that I rely on, high speed and snipe ability that I can use to kill my opponent's monster cards that have range or magic attack first. The armor he gets is additional so he can survive this battle.
Screenshot 2024-01-04 03.55.23.png SCAVO FIREBOLThe has the ability Knock Out: Does double damage when attacking an enemy that is stunned. (max level)and this is the last or sixth monster card in this battle. he is SCAVO FIREBOLT, he is a monster card with the fire element, and he has a range attack and I chose him at the back because of the abilities he has. he has the knock out ability which I have explained below. which I will use in combo with the monster card abilities that I used previously. His stats are 4 attack range, 2 armor, 6 health and 6 speed. The reason I chose this monster card in this battle is as I explained a little earlier, namely the combo I want with this monster card. with the knock out ability it has, I want when my opponent has got the stun ability given by my monster card called LAVA LAUNCHER, I will kill him with this monster attack which will give 2x damage when the monster card he attacks has got the stun given by the card. my other monster. but even if that doesn't happen, I don't think it's too big of a problem because he already has a high attack to finish off my enemy in this battle. Hopefully victory will bring me into the next season and get lots of chests in every battle.


You can see my battle live here or you can watch it on my YouTube video below, don't forget to like, subscribe and share. If you can't play it, you can continue reading this blog and see pictures of my battle in the continuation of this blog below.


ronde 1

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ronde 2

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ronde 3

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ronde 4

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and finally I won.

speaks for my strategy this time. as you can see I use the fire element and my enemy this time brings the dragon element combined with the death element. It seems like my enemy this time is using a less structured strategy. where he made his attack split without knowing where it was aiming. It can be seen from the first round that as usual, each summoner gives his abilities to the monster cards brought into battle. Continuing to the second round of monster cards, I managed to kill 1 enemy monster card with the reataliate ability of the tank I used in this battle. Continuing to the third round it became clearer that I would win the battle this time judging from the remaining monster cards and I managed to kill 3 enemy monster cards in this round. and finally there is only 1 monster card left belonging to my enemy and 4 monster cards belonging to me in this fourth round of battle.

I won and got +10 points and +3.5 sps in this battle
that's my suggestion. Use the strategy that you think is best and don't forget to have fun.



Thank you for visiting my blog, don't forget to leave a comment, follow and share your experience with me.


  • splinterlands : weekly event held by splinterlands
  • canva : to edit the images in this blog poster
  • link refferal : for those of you who are new or will try to play splinterland
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