Splinterlands Diary 31.03.22 - Torrent Fiend


Hello friends, the long-awaited end of the season has arrived, in a few hours I will open 40 chests for the Diamond III league achievement, but today's afternoon quest once again brought some Venari Crystalsmith cards.


Nothing against this weird card, and have long had such a card in my collection in Gold Foil, so I decided to start opening Chaos Legion Pack's and in the first of ten was the Legendary Torrent Fiend.


I've rented this card before, and it's very good for "free" summoning, and I use it especially often in battles with little mana and Equalizer rule.

For example, in this fight with Earthquake, I decided to use BRIGHTON BLOOM, which gives cards the ability to fly, and I focused on DJINN OSHANNUS, ICE PIXIE, and RULER OF THE SEAS magic attacks, while TORRENT FIEND, which has plenty of health, acted as a living shield.

The enemy had the foresight to choose the slowing CREEPING OOZE and HALFING ALCHEMIST, but magic did the trick and TORRENT FIEND did a good job of attracting fire on himself.



After a series of victories I went back to increasing my passive income, put some CTP tokens into Listnerds pool, increased PKM:SPS pool, as well as put some money into PIZZA:ONEUP, which I consider as one of the best ones today.

It remains to wish everyone good luck with the awards and see you on the virtual battlefields!

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