Splinterlands Diary 09.02.22 - Gladius Case

Hello friends! Today another round in the Guild Brawls has ended and our guild Splinterlands.Ru ended up in the top five.


I was in first place again, with 5 wins out of 9 battles, and was rewarded with 462 MERITs. This was just enough to buy a new Gladius Case with these gladiators in it:


It's nice to raise the level of my cards, especially the powerful Chimney Wallstop is one of my favorites, and Bertol Gobson is very dangerous for the enemy despite its small cost :)

However, this time I played the Water deck more often, and tried new strategies with Isgal Vorst. He's an excellent melee fighter, and was very useful in this one. Watch:


Passing the daily quest in the league Gold II was quite difficult and often came across opponents with level 7 cards (my maximum is 5) and as a result got this reward:


Today I'll keep increasing my contribution to the PIZZA:DEC pool, and will be working on a strategy for ListNerds, some of the profits from which I plan to invest in Splinterlands and buying Chaos Legion packs.

See you on a battlefield!

@MishkaDj | @NoiseCash | @Torum | @Telegram | @Twitter

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