Chaos Legion Card Overview PT 1: Fearsome Fiends

The Zero Heroes

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What's going on everybody, are you ready for chaos legion and the impending meta shakeup? This is gonna be the first part of a series I plan to do talking about the new chaos legion cards. I will showcase a few monsters each week and their abilities stats and my opinion on them. This is just an early glimpse and is not battle-tested yet so it may change in the future but for now, this is a good start.

In this week's series, we will go over the new zero-cost monsters, better known as the chaos fiends. I think we were all excited to hear there would be more zero-cost monsters coming into the game. Who doesn't love chicken and all he has done for us, beware though now that he is getting overlooked now and his prices may drop. I doubt it will since he is neutral but there will be some very interesting things coming into the game in just a short few days. One massive difference is all the new zero-cost fiends are legendary making them harder to get but also more valuable as legendary cards always have something that can make them good.

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The Scorch Fiend


Our first new fiend is the fire fiend or scorch fiend as he is named in the game. From a quick look at his stats, he is already better than a level 3 chicken. Boasting 1 Melee 2 Speed and 1 health he will be a much-used and welcomed addition to the fire comps that we see. Tarsa the new fire summoner originally had +1 melee and +1 speed but has since been changed to +1 melee and +1 Health. I still think he will pair amazingly with her or any of the other fire summoners for that matter. I mean these cards are meant to be good and that zero-cost you can never go wrong.

Looking as he levels up he starts to get really good at level 3 going to +2 melee and +3 speed that will be tough to deal with considering he will be at 3 attack most of the time being paired with Tarsa. This dude will be annoying in a variety of rulesets like equalizer/super sneak/equal opportunity and melee mayhem. Thinking of him paired with Yodin I can see him doing some serious work in those rulesets. He does not get any more health staying at 1 health for his whole progression but that is nothing new with fire monsters, sacrificing HP for speed and damage most of the time.

Then going even further beyond and getting him to max which is relevant only to diamond and champ but still must be considered. He gets swiftness at 4, and oh my goodness I think he is gonna be a superstar then. Fire has always been a fast and furious type of build. But with this guy and flame monkey which is another low-cost speed monster, we could see some really crazy dodge and miss comps with these two together. Serpentine soldier and spark pixies are cards I can name off the top of my head that are gonna be a menace to hit.
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The Corpse Fiend


Moving on to death we get a look at the corpse fiend. Starting out the same as the scorch fiend with +1 Melee +2 Speed and +1 health for stats. He gets a speed boost at 2 which won't be too noticeable in my opinion. But at level 3 he gets another health point which will be helpful. As you get him maxed to level 4 he gets silence as an ability.

With the silence ability, he becomes one of the family with the death splinter. Feeling right at home in Mimosa comps as well as the new summoner Thaddius Brood, you can expect this guy to make your magic hit like a feather. I feel death is gonna be a heavy magic counter coming up. It has already been that but this set and addition further solidifies that.

Both Harklaw and Dark Ha'on will be smiling when they can have this little buddy maxed out ready to debuff and destroy the opposition.
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The Fungus Fiend


Now we look at the earth fiend, The Fungus Fiend. This guy switches it up now going from +1 Melee +2 Speed and +1 health to +2 Health and losing 1 point of speed. Looking to be a bit more of a tankier fiend this will be fun for earth comps.

Looking at his level progression he actually gets no more damage only one more point to speed but goes up to 3 health. Making him the highest health zero-cost monster, he will be an awesome addition to Mylor comps.

At level 4 he also picks up slow which will be awesome for earth comps, I find earth to have a bit of everything. They have fast monsters, slow monsters and an overall pretty good mix in general. I can already see this guy along with all the other fiends we have looked at so far all being must-have cards for chaos legion. These are the cards I will focus on getting first before any other legendaries.

With the new earth summoner as well being magic this guy is gonna be giving a lot of opportunities for them to attack first. I see earth being the new magic dominating comp that we were used to seeing from Alric. Tons of good earth magic monsters and then you add this fiend in for free and you will see your team get disintegrated before you know it. Especially with the new earth legendary as well that we will talk about in another post be on the lookout for earth to dominate the lower leagues.
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The Torrent Fiend


Here we go with water and The Torrent Fiend, going back to the 1 Melee 2 Speed and 1 health stats like the first two fiends. As he levels up he gets another health point at level 2 and then going up to 3 he gains a speed boost.

Level 4 and he gets the headwind ability, which is amazing. Reducing the enemies range by 1 and pairing well with both the new summoner and Lir Deepswimmer. Also adding to the water splinter monsters with headwinds, we have Phantom of the abyss and Naga Windmaster. With all three of these slotted in your lineup that is -3 to enemy ranged monsters that is a HUGE debuff.

Looking at it now water looks to be going to a more tanky and ranged counter build. So many changes coming up it is gonna be a whole new landscape for a lot of these splinters.
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The Soul Fiend


Last but not least we get to The Soul Fiend. This guy switches up the stats to getting +1 across the board to his stats at level 1. Slowly building up each level, getting +1 speed at level 2, then +1 health at level 3 capping him out at 1/2/1/2.

At level 4 he gets his ability and it is demoralize. This is a huge debuff to add to life as of currently, there is warrior of peace that provides this as well but now with the two of them together it seems like a match made in heaven.

Life, as opposed to death, is about buffing and keeping your units alive. I see so many different ways this guy adds to that. Pairing with Chanseus and the many different unkillable life comps there seems to be this guy will be welcomed to the life lineups.

I'm not sure how he will fit with General Sloan, yes of course he will be valuable and pair well but I feel the other fiends had way more value with the new summoners. As this guy, I feel pairs well with the likes of Chansues and Lorna and Mother Khala better than Sloan. This is without testing but just from my first analysis so we will see how much I change my opinion on this when I get to try it.

Life seems to stay pretty similar to what the meta already was with their splinter. When I do my next part on the summoners I will dive into more of the changes that life could possibly go through.
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Final Thoughts


Overall all these cards get a massive stamp of approval from me. I don't think they are necessarily OP early on. But when they get to max level and then they become a serious force to reckon with.
I do think these are big meta changers though and add a ton of value to their respective splinters. Looking at them all I think the scorch fiend and fungus fiend are my favourites currently.

I will be looking to secure them all as they are gonna be super helpful and useful even without the abilities. I only play in silver so I won't get to use those abilities but I can't wait to see what this does to diamond and champ battles going forward.

Overall this is just my early analysis of the new chaos fiends, and opinions will most definitely change as we get used to these new additions with further playtesting.

Let me know in the comment section below which fiend is your favourite and what you think about their addition to the game.
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