[Time Mage] Share your Battle challenge (2)


Second attempt at the Time Mage share your battle challenge, This time round i used it in a higher mana battle,normally its would not be that good to use since its stats are on the low side but the ruleset for the match had equalizer which makes the time mage viable in the fight.

Link to the Battle: https://splinterlands.com/?p=battle&id=sl_29c29d3ac2c1ff19f5cc8b6aabd1ad22&ref=dotz132

Card Background Information

EditionChaos Legion
AbilitiesSlow (level 1)/Rust (level 5)
image.pngReduces the Speed of all enemy Monsters by 1
ability_rust.pngReduces the Armor of all enemy Monsters by 2

Card level & stats


Bronze max | LV2 - +1 Speed
Sliver max | LV4 - +1 Damage
Gold max | LV6 - Gains Rust
Diamond and above | LV MAX - +1 Damage

Cost per level (used prices at time of writing)


Seems to cost at least 0.30 per copy, which is around 6x the current price of the cheapest rare reward card but its from the chaos legion packs so its harder to get,

Bronze max | LV2 - 5 copies = 1.5 usd.
Sliver max | LV4 - 25 copies = 7.5 usd.
Gold max | LV6 - 60 copies = 18 usd.
Diamond and above | LV MAX - 115 copies = 34.5 usd.

For the most value I recommend getting it at level 3 since that level is where its damage increases to 2 points from 1 point of damage, a level 3 card does cost 4.2 usd thou so its not really that cheap to get.


A gold foil does not seem that worth it since its nearly 3x the cost of a normal foil card and it would cost around 9 usd to get it to level 3 for that damage bonus.

Battle rules


SymbolRule Effect
image.pngMonsters lose the Sneak and Snipe abilities.
image.pngThe initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.

Total Mana : 42
Usable elements : Fire, Water, Earth, Life and Death

Equalizer making healer much more useful in the match since the heals are based off 1/3 of the unit's max health so with the rule set most units become tanks, the removel of snipe and sneak means that you would not need to protect the backline and the attacks unless affected by scattershot will start by damaging the first unit in the team onward.

Team Composition

Role: Summoner

General Sloan was chosen for its range damage buff as this time round i am going to ran a range damage heavy team, an extra 1 point of damage makes alot of things hit harder.

Position: Melee Damage/ Main Tank/ Taunter

Shieldbearer has a pretty nice amount of hp and armor along with that taunt ability which makes it great since its redirecting all the attack on to it paired with a healer to make it last as long as possible.

Role: Star of the challenge/ Magic Damage/ Debuffer / Sub Tank

This time round we are gonna use the time mage as the subtank since with the equalizer ruleset its hp will be set to the highest hp in the match which makes it perfect to use as a sub tank, also the slow debuff will allow my team to attack first to reduce the opponent lineup.

Role: Magic Damage/ Buffer

Djinn Renov is a magic damage unit that buffs the team by increasing the max hp by one making both tank and sub tanks last even longer in the match and giving the healers a better heal.

Role: Range Damage/ Healer

Venari Crystalsmith with equalizer makes all units heal as much as the tanks since heals are scaled off the maxed hp with the ruleset everyone becomes a tank and healer take the cake in this match up since there is also no sneak attacks there is no stress on the healer since they only can heal the front unit.

Role: Main Range Damage

Pelacor Arbalest with its double strike and summoner damage buff on top of no sneak, so no worries about getting taken out from the back it can deal a lot of damage each turn and with the equalizer ruleset opportunity units will not target it first since all the units have the same amount health.

Role: Range Damage/ Blast

Last one on the team Prismologist with the damage buff it does a bunch of damage with each attack since it has a base of 3 damage and with the buff becomes 4 and blast does half of the damage so it bring the amount of damage of blast to 2.

Now on to the Battle

Round 1


They went with a magic heavy team and using obsidian get a +1 to their magic damage, their main tank has thorns which is only disadvantageous to my shieldbearer since it a melee unit.

they made a mistake in putting their taunt tank in the middle of their team allowing for my Prismologist to achieve its max damage potential by hitting 3 targets with every attack and due to the slow by the time mage my units have the advantage to attack first and get healed before the enemy can react.

Round 2


since i was not affected by the thorns that much their main tank went down due to the barrage of range damage dealt by the range units on my team.

at the end of round i had an advantage of 2 units

Round 3


my shieldbearer finally fell in this round under the assaults of the magic attacks but their subtank also fell in exchange, the Pelacor Arbalest is the one on my team that is doing the most damage since each turn its doing a 6 points of damage.

At the end of the round all that is left of their team was 2 units has a healer in it but i still had basically my whole team minus the fallen main tank with the time mage acting as the sub tank currently.

Round 4


the match was over at this point since their remaining damage could not kill any of my units with the healer on my side refilling any lost hp each round.

Strategy Talk

Time Mage was very beneficial in this match since its debuff made my units get a chance of attacking first and reduce their chances of dodging my range attacks.

they did made the mistake of putting their taunt tank in the middle of their lineup which allowed my prismologist do more damage in the early game giving me an advantage in the battle.

if they had played a shield unit in the match the battle might have gone differently since my team mostly consist of range damage and shield would have half my damage dealt allowing for their healer to repair most of the damage dealt.

Thanks for the battle challenge curation team
Can't wait to see which card will be in Next's weeks challenge

If you are interested in the game, here's my referral link: https://splinterlands.com?ref=dotz132

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