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Someone asked for Swiftness? Come in!


Welcome to my "Share Your Battle" post, featuring "Supply Runner"
My ingame nick goes by "djrockx" and I am a proud scholar (NA-SPL-38/NA-SPL-121) from the
NFTy Arcade Guild, so i am happy to use footage from a battle in gold.

Supply Runner - Cardstats


At level 1 he starts with: 2 attack; 3 speed; 4 health. But for a cost of 6 mana i wont play him because there are cheaper options for level 1 with 2 attack.
(4: Kulu Swimhunter, Scavo Firebolt, 5: Portal Spinner)

At level 5 he gets Swiftness and brings +1 speed to the team, making him more versatile/valuable.

At max level he also gets Strenghten, its a cool addition, but its still more about the speed.

Overall he is a nice supportcard, starting with level 5.


You want to connect more with him, read the story? Check out his Lore.



Get your Supply Runner at peakmonsters.

Currently you can pick up a regular foil Supply Runner for 13 cents, or a gold foil for 2,27 dollar.
If you want to max him out, regular foil, currently for 40 dollar.
If you want to pick up a maxed gold foil, 107 dollar. (4 days till end of season)

When to play and when not ?!

Most of the time you start with level 5,
due to the speed he brings and the "Swiftness", he is very versatile.
So you can play him almost in every match where you need some extra speed.

  1. Explosiv Weaponry is a ruleset were speed can matter, so try him out there.

  2. Same goes for Equal Opportunity, when you can strike first it can make a big difference.

  3. Target Practice, you can buff up your snipe distraction to have higher chance of dodging their attacks. And the speed for your team.

  4. Close Range, kinda cool since he can still attack in first position

  5. Try to avoid Reverse Speed, for obvious reasons.

Explosiv WeaponryAll monsters have the Blast ability.
Equal OpportunityAll monsters will attack from any position and will target the enemy Monster with the lowest health, unless the attacking monster is in first position.
Target PracticeAll Monsters have the Snipe ability.
Close RangeRanged attacks may be used in first position.
Reverse SpeedMonsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have a higher chance of evading attacks.

My Battle


I was facing a "Close Range" ruleset, with a 27 manacap.
Fire, Water, Earth and Death are open to play.

My Strategy and Lineup
Card display with LevelStrategy
I choose Obsidian so i was able to play with the ruleset, but still got some variety in my damage output.
In first position i placed Fungus Fiend, to soak up the first blow. So my Xenith Monk gets a higher chance to stand till round 2.
As my main Tank i picked Xenith Monk. With his speed of 4 (+1 from Supply Runner) he gets a chance to dodge some attacks, and "Heal" can keep him alive one or two more rounds.
For my second Tank i went with Regal Peryton. "Flying" and the fact that it has 6 speed (+1 from Supply Runner) makes it even more evasive then Xenith Monk. Since it is a magic attacker it makes a good snipe distraction.
Queen Mycelia, my support, brings "Protect" (+2 Armor for every friendly Monster).
Making use of the ruleset, i picked Iza the Fanged. She is able to stack up some health with "Scavenger", so when she gets in first position, she will be tanky. With "Sneak" and "Stun" she is able to take out the enemy backline.
The guy we are waiting for, Supply Runner. He got that "Swiftness", +1 speed for the team.

Gameplan was set.
Evasive frontline,
protect myself,
stun their backline,
and take down rest up front.

The Battle

Watch it here. Or you can read my summary.

Round 1


My opponent expected me to commit completely to the ruleset. Picking Living Lava with "Shield", and Zalran Efreet with "Headwinds". But i splitted my damage source, interesting fight comming up.

My Regal Peryton goes first, hitting Living Lava for 3. Fungus Fiend fullfills his role and gets taken down by the enemy Serpentine Spy. Iza the Fanged goes for the backline and hits the Furious Chicken for 1. Supply Runners attack on Living Lava does nothing. Their Supply Runner hitting Xenith Monk for 2, but he heals it back immediately and hits the armor of Living Lava for 1. Zalran Efreet hits Xenith Monk for 2, Lifeleaches up 1 health. The attack from Xenith Archer gets dodged. Queen Mycelia goes for her attack on Living Lava, hitting for 2, he revenges himself for a big hit on Xenith Monk for 4.

Round 2


My Regal Peryton starts the round again with a 3 damage hit on Living Lava, but Serpentine Spy gets his next takedown on my Xenith Monk. Iza was able to get her first one on the Furious Chicken, stacking up more health. Again a no damage hit on the Living Lava from Supply Runner. Regal Peryton dodging the attack from their Supply Runner and taking 2 damage from Zalran Efreet, but dodging again, the attack from Xenith Archer. Queen Mycelia finishes Living Lava.

Round 3


A nice 3 damage hit from Regal Peryton on Zalran Efreet opens round 3. Serpentine Spy's attack on Queen Mycelia gets blocked by the armor that she got back after Living Lavas death. Iza hits Xenith Archer for 1 but misses the stun and Supply Runner dealing his first damage onto Zalran Efreet. Regal Peryton dodges again the attack from their Supply Runner. Zalran Efreet hits Regal Peryton for 2 and stacks his health back to 3, Xenith Archer misses Regal Peryton again. Queen Mycelia hits Zalran Efreet for 2, lets him survive till next round.

Round 4


Regal Peryton finaly takes down Zalran Efreet. Serpentine Spy's attack gets again blocked by armor. Iza hits Xenith Archer now for 2, still no stun. Both Supply Runner's miss their attacks. Xenith Archer hits Regal Peryton for 1 and Queen Mycelia Serpentine Spy for 2.

Round 5


Regal Peryton takes down Serpentine Spy and Iza Xenith Archer. Leaving their Supply Runner as last man standing. He takes a hit from my Supply Runner for 2, but takes down Regal Peryton. Queen Mycelia hits Supply Runner for 2 damage and lead to the next round.

Round 6


Round 6 ends as fast as it started, Iza with the finishing blow onto Supply Runner. Game Over.


The set strategy was pretty good, we got some nice dodges.
The mix of the damage sources made me stay relevant in this match.

Would i change something?
Due to the fact that we had a Close Range ruleset, i could've swapped Queen Mycelia with Iza.
So she could be my 3rd "tank" and protect my supports.

Should i get a Supply Runner?

Every army should have them, every artisan should hire them, and every noble should own one.

It is a YES from me. He is a nice support.
But keep in mind that his potential starts from level 5 upwards.

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Thanks for reading, see you on my next post.