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Answers to FAQs about Splinterlands


I've spent some time in the Splinterlands discord and some questions always come up repeatedly for newbies, so I decided to compile their answers for your reference.

Q. How do I increase my power to go to the next level?

A. Here's a handy guide by @shenan

Q. There are no packs left to buy, what do I do?

A. You can either wait for Chaos Legion packs or buy from the secondary market like Hive Engine and Atomic Hub. You can also go for the dice pack which is still available and makes you eligible to participate in their next airdrop.

Q. Why are my dec earnings decreasing as I play?

A. Every game you play lowers your Energy Capture Rate which effects your earnings. The ECR can be seen by clicking on the plus icon next to the dec tab

Q. I rented or bought a card but I can't use it. Why?

A. Some cards are on cooldown and have a little clock timer active next to them to indicate that.

Q: How can I level up cards?

A. You can level up cards by clicking on them and selcting the cards followed by clicking on the plus button: