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Hello, I am participating again in Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. Social media challenge is a regular event held on HIVE BLOCKCHAIN which everyone share their thought about Splinterlands.

Last week I had my entry about why many people lost badly after using Rift Watcher Monsters. I think I will write another post about Rift Watcher monsters, and I want that one to be something that can help making people eager to own Rift Watcher monsters. So I go to Peakmonsters.com and find out that these are the 3 cheapest Rift Watcher monsters:

Lemell Refugee is one of the cheapest Rift Watcher cards

So I have set today theme, we are discussing about LEMELL REFUGEE. I like this card a lot and I think she doesn't belong to the cheapest card category.

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STATS and Strength-Weakness


When she is released, everyone said that "look... weaker version of Legionaire Alvar". I am kind of agree with that but there is something that differ her alot to Alvar. Alvar is like a Castle, unbreakable fortress, the state of art of Defensive Tank, however Lemell on contrary She is an offensive tank. She has good melee damage and attack speed.

Her good melee damage and speed make her easily adapt into existing Chaos Legion edition. If you use Keyla who buffs Speed and Armor, both are essential Lemell Refugee stats. Her melee can be buffed by River Helondale Inspire, and Merdali Guardian is the perfect support for her. The anti mage tanks in Water Modern Format are Baakjira and Djinn Oshannus, having a melee type as Lemell surely brings up a new meta.

She is a good early bloomer, her stats starts high and with a little level up push she becomes a very formidable tank on Bronze-Silver league. The biggest question is that she seems not to grow well on higher league. We can argue, for example some people say Enrage is a good ability... Indeed it is, and she has it on Gold League. However if you compare her to cursed windeku, Diemonshark and xenith monk, the same rare rarity from Chaos Legion, when they get onto gold league level cap, they get buffed up very high into different league than before. Windeku has heal, Diemonshark has better speed and armor, Xenith monk gets his Void... those make them extraordinary strong, however Lemell enrage ability although makes her stronger too, can not be compared with them.

Strength / Pros :

  • On Lower League, Bronze and Silver, Her attack prowess is great. 3 melee damages and 3 speed.
  • She can form a well coordinated attacks with other monsters from Chaos Legion. Keyla links well with her, River Helondale too, and some other monsters.

Weakness / Cons :

  • Lemell doesn't grow well. She levels up quickly to get 3 melee damages however that's her max. Her hit damage won't grow anymore, well until she maxes her level.

Investing on Lemell Refugee

I am using some screen shoot from @peakmonsters user interface to display some data about Lemell Refugee pricing.

The Regular Foil


From above table we can see Lemell price is quite stable between $0.08 to $0.11 for each BCX. the problem is that not many Lemell cards are being purchased, only about 17K bcx or around $1.62 for a month.

The Gold Foil


Overall both regular dan gold foil have same issues, the volume are low. However in Gold Foil market, the price is very fluctuated (37% difference) and we can see the price from bidding and offer has a big gap. This mean the seller and buyer have a different perception on how much should Lemell is sold.

My hypothesis is that the market has same opinion with me. People want to get this card however they think it's quite useless to level up her to even higher level. That's why on Gold Foil a bcx is valued higher from the seller, because maybe they know people only want to get a copy of her. On Regular foil, because level 3 needs 14 BCX,the price gap is smaller/none because both sellers and buyers know this won't be a single BCX transaction.

So how do you think about this one? will you go only getting level 3 Lemell Refugee or you think it's worthy to get the higher level Lemell?

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It won't be a good Splinterlands post if I don't add any battle about this. So here is my battle, the EPIC one, to show you how Lemell led her team to get the win


I had Queen-Silvia as my opponent, I do not tag this guy in this post because I don't want to disturb him/her. Queen Silvia is a serial tournament winners, so having her as an opponent in Modern Silver League Rank is a honor. She came with Conqueror Jacek as the summoner, what a strong intimidated first impression.

battle link : hhttps://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sl_3f408f05dce14cd3bf7d76f25221d0ee&ref=dewabrata

There ruleset were Super Sneak (All Melee attack Monsters have the Sneak ability) and Spreading Fury (All Monsters have the Enrage ability). With these rulesets I was thinking about bringing all Melee team, so I can get the sneak attacks party and the enrage effects. I was wondering should I brought a support, debuff or buff type. My option were Disintegrator (demoralized), Demented Shark (Inspire) and River Hellondale (Inspire + Resurrect). I picked River Hellondale because of extra Resurrect Ability.

PositionCardAbilityPlan and Strategy
Summoner+1 armor, +1 speedOne of my favorite summoner, I think she is the best Chaos Legion Rare Summoner
Main TankVoid ArmorBecause I wanted a Melee Slugfest contest in front, I think she was the best choice due to her 3 Melee and 3 Speed.
SecondResurrection, InspireHe is the best support from Chaos Legion Water Element. Need that Inspire Ability and hopefully he would resurrect the right monster.
ThirdOpportunityNo need further explanation, the best damage dealer at the market
Fourthfly, SneakA very cheap card that can be a decisive one. Many time this bandit saves my ass. The Speed will be the major threat for his opponent
FifthSneakPicking this snake was a mistake. I forgot there was Tide Bitter who was faster and had higher health. My bad
The LastHealThere was a possibility my opponent would do the same, all out attacking my rare. I hoped Xenith month heal could make him last longer

Let See How Things Worked

Round 1


  • This battle started by each parties buffed and debuffed monsters. we had 8 buffs in this battle.
  • My opponent came with 7 Melee Damage and 5 Range damage, combined all became 12 damage.
  • My team had 17 Melee damage and 2 magic damage, combined all became 19 damage.
  • In term of Fire Power, my team was on a higher league than my opponent, however their Coeurl Lurker was an OP opponent.


  • everything could happen now


  • His Defense Mechanism worked well, most of my attack failed to hurt that Coeurl

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  • These 2 attacks from my Lemell and Bandit were very crucial

Round 2


  • As the round started, his Coeurl killed my Lemell instantly. Luckily I chose to bring Riverr Hellondale, he revived Lemell back to the game.
  • This time My bandit managed to land his second attack on Coeurl, killed the dog and this became my winning point. again, Pelacor Bandit saved my ass.
  • As Coeurl gone, everything on that team crumbled. No notable attacks, no defense mechanism

Round 3


  • as the time progresses, I needed an extra one turn only to wipe them all

Battle Discussion:

If you think this battle is one sided, than I must reassure you that you are wrong. Look at his Coeurl Lurker


Don't look at his 2 health, look at the 12 speed with dodge and phase abilities. Any monsters with less than 4 speed literally has 0% to hit him including no mage can land a magic on him. I had no monsters with Aim true ability in that battle, so my wins was greatly influenced by LUCK.

Either luck was on my side, or bad luck on his side. that's what happened in that battle.


Second, luck only would not make me win. at a glance it seemd a total win from my side, having all 6 monsters alive. However there were 2 notable condition on my team:

  1. Most of my monsters were in near death condition, mortally wounded. Lemell, Uraeus, Bandit had 1 health. You can say this is my second time being lucky in this battle.
  2. My tactic worked well. 4 monsters were enraged and they were the key of my win.
  • Lemell 6 Melee damage, 6 speed.
  • Bandit 5 Melee damage, 8 speed.
  • Uraeus 5 Melee damge. 5 speed
  • Xenith Monk 3 Melee damage, 8 speed

The last was monsters selection. If I used Alvar, I might have lost badly because their Coeurl would survive and killed all my monsters. In this battle the existence of Lemell and Pelacor Bandit were indispensable , and both are cheap cards.

So are you ready to level up your Pelacor Bandit and get some copies of Lemell Refugee?

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Thank you for visiting my Social Media Challenge, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • @splinterlands : for holding weekly social media challenge events
  • @peakmonsters : for providing historical market data about splinterlands cards
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • kyo-gaming : for wonderful divider arts
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