Half-Ass Coeurl Lurker Still Kicks Ass


Welcome to my Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge. As usual I am doing this ritual on the last day. This Week we have MOLTEN ASH GOLEM, a fire element monster from Chaos Legion Edition as our official theme. This is an awesome monster, having 10 health point and a range tank. I am saying this while crossing my finger.

Some how I feel bitter on sharing any battle about this monster. It is not because of this monster weak, however I do not know what to say about all the battle I have about him.


Most of the battle which I exploited Molten Ash Golem are battles with Nuxious Fume ruleset. This Golem has 10 health point, it takes 6 turns to have the poison kills him. During that time he is helping out the front tank who get cleanse from Poison to fight the opponent. The second one is during Explosive Weaponry ruleset, where he stands behind the tank and absorbing some blast damage. It's kind of stupid, better set Venator Kinjo on that position.

Bottom line any battle which I can use Molten Ash Golem in and win, are not a kind of battle which I can get excited by seeing it. I do not know how to arrange words and get excited from seeing a monster trying to survive or live longer than his opponents and telling people:

WOW, Molten Ash Golem COOL, STRONG 🤣

Ok let's change main theme monster, shall we? I have less than 4 hours to finish this share a battle event, so here is my quick pick: COEURL LURKER

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*Shorten lore: When they finally cornered it, the coeurl attacked and decimated an entire squad of hunters. The sole survivor described it as a sleek, cat-like creature with terrible fangs and claws. It had four tentacles tipped with thorns, two each on its shoulders and hindquarters, and the tail of a scorpion. It used its tentacles and tail to impale its prey, then tossed them aside, slammed them against a tree or the ground, or yanked them in close for the killing blow.


Honestly I do not wish to deep dive about COEURL LURKER because I have a plan about posting this monster on Social Media Challenge in promoting Rift Watcher monsters. So I will keep this simple but easily understandable.

COEURL LURKER without any doubt is the best card, the strongest Legendary card from Rift Watcher edition. His price shows it all, stands out at very high price.

Rift Watcher legendary monsters, source: www.peakmonsters.com at 5 December 2022

2 months ago Bulldog shared his content about making COERL LURKER almost imposible to be hit without any TRUE STRIKE ability. Incase you have not seen it yet, you can check it below.

It was an absolutely wonderful thing to have that kind of Over Powered (OP) monster, however it left one big question. Is COERL LURKER Very Strong / OP on lower league (Bronze and novice) ?

So This would be my battle, getting COEURL LURKER plays in Bronze level cap, however my account is already on Silver League. So it's time to hunt some good battle from tournaments!!

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battle link : https://splinterlands.com?p=battle&id=sm_xUT4UJBpeEDpaGkun2RH&ref=dewabrata


This was the battle taken from Modern Format Bronze Level Capped Tournament. Gold league players could not join this tournament, they would get a massive pinalty for entry fee. All participant could only use Summoners and monsters capped at Bronze Level.


The main reason I chose this battle for COEURL LURKER was due to this No Magic ruleset. it meant no magic attacks, all were Melee and Range and level one COEURL LURKER did not have to worry about having no PHASE ability.

Another good thing was no Fire Element allowed. We would not see any BULLDOG's enraged - OP - COEURL LURKER who would dodge all attacks. The COEURL LURKER would be on normal, he was strong, but not ridiculously immortal-like.

My option that time was whether to go with Water Element Led by Kelya Frendul or Dragon Team led by Quix the Devious. I picked Kelya over Quix because I thought I would need that one extra armor more than a -1 opponent range. This was a Bronze League, not many speed modifier abilities out there, everyone got less ability to buff/debuff speed. I had to prepare my COEURL LURKER got slammed in 3-4 turns.

PositionCardAbilityPlan and Strategy
Summoner+1 speed, +1 armorKelya is everyone favorite summoner. Her price can double the other Chaos LEgion rare summoner, that's how in general we say she is more needed and demanded from the others. She is one of the main reason why Water Element becomes favorite over other element during this Chaos Legion edition era. She helps defense (armor) and offense (speed) at the same time.
Main TankTaunt, DodgeOne of the deadliest attacker from chaos legion. I will use Slipspawn behind to give more time for Grund to finish as many opponent as he can. His speed are a bit faster than most of mages in Chaos Legion edition, so it's kind of safe to use him against a bunch of mages
SecondReachFlying Squid was my favorite reach melee attacker before the reward card tide bitter came out. This squid is a great addition to any Water Team, it has high melee damage, high speed and high health which makes him a good secondary tank too. If this is a Gold League Battle, He will have Blind Ability which is a great support ability to our main theme COEURL LURKER
ThirdInspireDemented Shark is not my favorite however often I rely on this fish to buff up my Melee Team. The way Demented Shark works is similar to Disintegrator. You only need the inspire ability (in Disintegrator case, the demoralize ability) and you can not put him in front because if he dies first then there is no merit having him in the team.
FourthSneakSand worm and Deep Lurker are the key meta in this team. The problem is that I have him on level 1 because I want to exploit his 1 speed during reverse speed ruleset. However there is no reverse speed ruleset here. This is the situation where I need to gamble, if he hits well, my team will be winning the battle. if he keeps missing his target, then it's the end for my team.
FifthTank HealShe and Demented Shark are the supports in my team. Her role is to keep Coeurl Lurker lives longer, not to soon get killed due to the Taunt ability Coeurl Lurker has. If Coeurl dies, her role changes to two option, first keeping the Squid lives longer or become the target of opponent opportunist.
LastOpportunityMy key attacking power. If Coeurl Lurker is the fortress, the unbreakable wall, then Deeplurker will be the one who kills the opponent the most. Together with Sandworm, I hope they can kill as many opponent as they can before Coeurl Lurker falls.

Basically my team relied on Melee Damage, and I needed some luck for avoiding any Mylor as the opponent. Getting Mylor Team as my opponent was like an auto lost for me who brought all Melee Monster Team.

Round 1 - Coeurl Lurker Started The Battle


  • This battle started by each parties buffed and debuffed monsters.
  • My opponent came a total 18 Melee damage and 2 Range Damage. Combined all it became 20 damage per turn. What a terrifying fire power they had.
  • My team had 19 Melee Damag. Our fire power was even. Both team would hit hard.
  • In general, we both shared about the same speed. None slower or faster compared to other


  • Coeurl Lurker started this battle in style, delivering 3 Melee damage to chain golemand dodged 4 from 5 incoming attacks
  • My Meta worked. Deeplurker killed opponent Stitch Leech. now it became 6 vs 5, which my team had the upper hand.

Round 2 - Sandworm was a Beast!!!


  • In this round, what I had been worrying had happened. From 4 incoming attacks, Coeurl Lurker only managed to dodge one. He took 3 damage from Dumacke Exile, 2 from Cornealus, and 5 from opponent Sandworm. A total 10 damage which should have killed him. Thanks to Merdaali Guardian tank heal, my Coeurl Lurker survived this round.
  • In this round, Flying Squid took down opponent Chain Golem and my sandworm took down their Dumacke Exile. This was a heavy blow for my opponent.
  • Somehow in this round, both Sandworm performed superbly landing their hit on the most difficult target they could hit.

Round 3 - Goodbye Bosun


  • Corsair Bosun was a great one, High Melee Damage, Good Speed, Good Armor and high Health... however it meant nothing if he failed to hit Coeurl Lurker and got smashed back instantly. Deeplurker sent him to hell in this round.
  • Bad Luck for him, my Sandworm moved first and killed their Sandworm
  • In this round, My Coeurl Lurker dodge 2 of 2 incoming attacks.

Round 4-5 - The End


  • Cornealus indeed very strong. Eventhough he was the last one standing, my team needed 2 round to finish him.
  • Good game


This was a flawless victory, Merdaali Guardian healed Coeurl lurker and made my team won without any causality and everyone had their full health.

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I won flawlessly but please don't take this wrong. My opponent came with Chain Golem, Bosun, Dumacke, and a combined 20 damage per turn. They even had Cornealus which was one of the strongest range monster from Untamed Edition.


From 5 turn, Coeurl Lurker attacked 5 times delivering 21 Melee Damage. He only killed Cornealus however He was the main reason why Chain Golem and Corsai Bosun died fast. He missed none of his attacks.

He had taunted 11 incoming attacks and managed to dodge seven of them. We can say he had 63% Evasion rate, that's more than half and I think it's a great % for an evasive monster. It's not like Bulldog streaming which had 95% more, but its still a great one.

So Overall COEURL LURKER was outstanding, even on Bronze League Level Cap.


First we must have healer. Thats the most important point from all. He will get hit, one or twice, so keeping his health high is the key

Armor is very helpful. We never know how he will get hit. Maybe he will meet Dhampir Stalker with 4 range damage with true aim, which without armor Coeurl will die in 3 hits.

If we can not support his speed, or no additional ability such as Blind and Fly to help him evade, please support him by healing and giving armor


This sounds funny, but it is the truth. In past I have met several opponent using Coeurl Lurker and they forgot to add some meta to kill my team. They were focusing only for speed, speed, speed, and heal. Maybe they wanted to make movies like Bulldog, having an outrageous Coeurl Lurker who dodges everything.

We need to set our mind straight here, Coeurl is strong but not invisible. He will buy you some time to protect backline monsters, however you need to come up with a laser focused attack, either to the front or sniping or sneaking, whichever it is that can kill your opponent monsters every turn.


Well this is not about Coeurl Lurker anyway, however recently I keep on getting opponent who use Ilthain. I think this summoner is kind of trending now so maybe we need to keep in mind that our opponent might be focusing on speed too.

kyo-gaming fire divider.png
https://splin terlands.com?ref=dewabrata

Thank you for visiting my SHARE YOUR BATTLE Weekly Challenge!, don't forget to leave your comments and feedback below. There are credits in this post for these people:

  • splinterlands : for holding weekly social media challenge events
  • carrieallen : for ultimate markdown tutorial
  • kyo-gaming : for wonderful divider arts
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