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3 beneficios de estar en un GUILD / Video in Spanish and text in English

Hello friends here I share a video, about three benefits of being in a clan, as many are unaware of the clans, it is very different when you walk without a GUILD to when you enter one, you know a different part of the game and begin to have a closer relationship as you share with a group of people who all fight for the same purpose, which is to have greater benefits each time the clan is rising level, in addition to the internal battles that are there.

Here I share with you the three benefits:

1; by being in a guild you have the opportunity to get Gladius packs, Spy Glass, Bloodstone and Power Stone, of course to get this depends on the level of the guild store.

2; being in a GUILD, the people belonging to this will give ticks and recommendations of some things that you do not know in the game, I really see this is quite beneficial because sometimes there are things that you do not know and someone to help you by giving you valuable information is not superfluous.

3; they give you a % more DEC in the battles when you are in a clan, of course the higher the lodge is the more % DEC you will be receiving.

Well friend this is all I hope you like this type of content and help people who are in Splinterlands and are not yet in a Guild, I hope this information helps them.

Thanks for your support, see you in the next post Kisses!

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