RE: Splinterlands: What To Know As Beginner

Just what I was looking for. Splinterlands is one of the areas I want to do well in on Hive this year. I finally started playing splinterlands 2 days ago after a while of talking about wanting to start. It took me a long time cos I always saw it to be complex. But it's starting to make some sense gradually after days of trial and error.

I'm struggling to understand rulesets and the card abilities right now. They are sooooo many cards even as a beginner, and it's confusing me a lot. I mostly use a monster with high melee attack and speed in the front, supported by lots of magic Monsters so that I can do some serious damage and heal at the same time. Jut just when I thought I mastered the best winning strategy, bam! I played the first non-standard game with a rule of only using ranged monsters. Lol I was confused!!!!!

Anyways, I manage to play my way to bronze III now and I want to practice some more before buying a spell book. Maybe I should write some tips for beginners as well, considering that I myself am a beginner. Lol if I did, I would mostly be giving only basic tips cos I'm still learning myself.

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