Splinterlands from a newbie point of view

Hey splinter buddies,

I started splinterlands about a month ago. I was really hyped for this game I immediately bought the spellbook and 10 quest potions. I had some good rewards from those. Suddenly they stopped with the quest potions . From that time on I started to fail on advancing. Almost every reward became a alchemy or legendary potion. That was kind of a set back for me. I fought through the pain of not advancing on my deck. Now with the new update they finally made the quest reward 50% chance on a card. And I finally got a new card to advance with. The amazing lava launcher.
Now just wait for the chaos packs to arrive and I can build my deck so I hopefully can get to silver league.
Point of this whole story is. Keep the faith. If you're patient enough you will get your wanted cards. Just enjoy the ride.

Good luck to all of you.

Happy splintertime

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