Chaos Legion Lucky Draw!

Getting a lucky draw in Splinterlands

Chaos Legion packs are now available and I have been lucky enough to purchase 21. I'm no whale, so earning 1 voucher every couple of days doesn't give me a lot. The packs I have bought did give me enough luck to get a Doctor Blight for free.


Not the Gold Foil that is going for over $1000, but a good $100 NFT reward.

Of the 21 packs I have bought, I have only opened 6, because I'm not sure if I want to open them or sell them. That's definitely the big question, whether they will be worth more in the future than they are now. I doubt I will ever catch that falling blade.

I bought 2 of the packs today and of the previous packs that I had opened (or cards I had won), I had 5 rare and 1 epic card. I guess that's not too bad of a draw, but I had a ton of those Legendary Potions that I had won and was using them up 5 at a time and getting nothing in return... until now.

2 packs and 2 Legendary cards!



Welp...Legendary, but both worth less than $20 each. Oh, well.


Let the positive energy sing!

More Power to the Minnows!!

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