Temporal Master - Splinterlands Art Contest week 186

Hello, Folks!

I wanted to contribute something a little different from my usual posts. I don't usually paint anything Hive related, at least, not since I started on here when we were doing DTIYS challenges and stuff.

I decided to participate in the #Splinterlands weekly contest to challenge myself, since I've been having a little bit of an art block. Getting into this was more than the challenge that I expected. But I had to take it on the chin and keep going.

For transparency, I've never played #splinterlands, even though I'm a big table-top fan (not typical for a black South African guy), being an MTG fan. But there's always room to include more gaming in one's life.


The Fanart

wizard (splinterlands) -Purple.jpg

Temporal Master



I struggled painting this, I think most because I had been sculpting and modelling more than drawing and only got back to my bullsh*t the previous week before. This is one of the sketches I was working on until I just didn't like working on it and didn't believe in the sketch.

I feel like there wasn't any energy behind it and was too generic in the pose.



Since that sketch wasn't working for me, so I went on to do a different one inspired a lot by Doctor Strange. The main idea was to stay true to Temporal Master's look in spirit but plug in a cinematic post look with a focus on character.

The Painting

I went on to scan and lay out the values beneath the sketches, blocking them out. I applied a gradient map to bring in some underlying tones to guide the the base colours on top.


I meant to include how I made the Aldrich Magic circle light effects but my That's will have to wait until I can afford a proper PC with the capacity to do video capture in Photoshop without lagging or crashing Photoshop.

This was a hard painting for but it helped me dust of the cobwebs and flex some painting muscle. I hope this means I'll be painting more regularly.

Logo Name (Zakhele Prince Dube).png

Thank you for taking that little time to let me share with you.

If you'd like to see or purchase my work and support me, you can visit my socials and NFT shop linked below. Otherwise, leave a thumbs up or comment.


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My logo banner collage.jpg

vtrshm circular logo footer boarder trans wht blk bg.png


  • Huion Pen Tablet (Inspiroy H430P)
  • Asus Laptop
  • Adobe PhotoShop
  • Clip Studio Paint

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