Splinterlands Rewards for Wed, Oct 5 ~ Reward Cards, Rentals, SPS, and Daily Battles

Hello and Greetings, Splinterlanders! I hope you are all having a wonderful and fantastic day.

As usually I want to look at all the money I made from this game today—rewards and rental income—to give you an idea of what you might expect if you invest.

Let's get started!

First up...

SPS and DEC prices

These will be constantly in flux, but I figure taking a snapshot everyday will at least give us some idea of trends.



Both are mostly hovering in place. At least SPS is now above 7 cents. 10 cents next??

Now, into the rewards.

Reward Cards

All I got was this...

I'm growing very tired of playing in bronze league. Watching the great rewards my guild is getting in Diamond and Champian leagues is making me want to play in those leagues again. With that in mind, I may stop renting all my cards and try to fight my way back up to a higher league.

On average this will mean my earnings will go down. But then again, DEC is not doing much right now, so instead of earning DEC from rentals, earning SPS from battles at a higher league might be more beneficial long term.

Anyway, I may try it for a few days and see how it goes. Trying to fight back up to the higher leagues may prove so frustrating that I give it up and rent them all out again! haha we'll see.

Next, that brings us to the...

Battle Rewards

Nothing to see here. If I start playing seriously again I suppose that means I should finally take the time to go fix the script that collects this data.

Moving on to...

Rental Income

To give up a buck and a half per day or not... Well we aren't exactly talking life or death choices here, are we? A buck and a half is an extra rice ball at the convinience store, not life changing money. I think I'll try playing again for a week, or maybe for the rest of the season, and if it doesn't work out I can always rent again.

Finally, let's look at the...


Hoving around the usual. This is a nice solid buck everyday. Still over 2 million Riftwatcher packs, so I'm in no hurry to buy in yet. Just letting the SPS stack up.


Taken all together, that comes to $2.446.

It wasn't that long ago that this was close to a hundred per day. Ahh... the good old days. May it come again soon! But for this bear market, it's not bad. Keep stacking!

Well, that's all for me today. Hope you guys did even better! Let me know in the comments when you got. Till next time, remember—keep stacking!

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