Share your Battle / Weekly Battle / Spineback Turtle


Happy New year to all Hiveans and Splinterland gamers!!!
This is my first Splinterlands post, I have been in Hive and before it in Steemit for many years and bought the alpha cards many years ago probably one of the first card investors ;D, but to be honest I have just been recently playing and collecting more cards, I am probably one of the worst players on the Splinterlandsuniverse...but hey at least I got to win some matches in the little time that I have for playing and completing daily quests.... Anyway today i want to share my battle with the water tank Spineback Turtle, I was a great fan always of the water splinter and before the new Chaos cards I was doing quite well with my magic setup, with my alphas Alaric Stormbringer and Spineback Turtle for lower mana I had some previous experience using this card....

Here is the link to the video battle :

Here is the link to the battle in splinterlands:




Here are some stats for the card that will decide our glory, for my battle as I am a noob and all my little knowledge and strategies have been disturbed by new introduction of chaos cards, we have to just look at the first line for Level 1 where my battle took place, it is a 4 Mana card with 1 armour 1 Speed (what else you expect from a turtle...) 2 armour and 6 health....pretty... pretty... pretty good for a low higher levels gets thorns which it is quite good too. It has good health so can withstand an early beating.



As I have mentioned earlier I have not much time to play and been learning some combos for the old cards before chaos legion, so most of my strategies are a mix of old knowledge and new tricks learned on the job day by day...
The match was ranked in the Bronze 1 and regular rules with 25 Mana limit. (how sad... I know 🤣) mainly outdated bots and noobs like myself trying to make history....

For the match I decided to try a mix of Old and New, I used a line-up of old magic strategy with our turtle friend as a tank, the two flying pixies behind The Enchanted pixie that I have recently bought from the neutral deck and the Ice pixie from the water deck, right behind a new Chaos legion that i really like River nymph with cleanse abilities (removes negative effects on 1st position on team) right behind one of my earned reward cards that has proven always very useful Venari wavesmith that adds 2 armour to all friendlies...The last position I added one of my alpha cards bought when Hive was not even a reality, bought on Steemit (Justin Sun's evil stolen child) the card is Crustacean King that has tank heal properties...
The Summoner I decided to try something new by adding Keyla Frendul, that adds one armour and 1 speed but it is 1 more mana than Alaric and of course has no +1 magic.

I decided to try this set up because the armour added by venari +2 and the +1 added by Keyla, would make a real defensive barrier from monster attacks (if the team opposite was a melee based of course) while little by little the magic of my monsters will make a dent on my opponents monsters...Moreover my crustacean king will become a tank on the back in case I face had many sneakers while providing a health boost to our main protagonist spineback turtle
I was a bit hesitant at first but I like to try new strategies and also to be as much of unpredictable to my opponent as possible...In the end the strategy worked out as my opponent has chosen a Fire team with heavy emphasis on opportunity and sneak attacks while keeping a strong tank this as we would see would play to my advantage and choice of cards.....

My opponent hoangvan923 choose a Fire deck with Tarsa (+1 health +1 melee) Living lava (a strong tank with shield) behind a chaos agent (probably to avoid blast) Parasitic growth (neutral card with opportunity) Serpentine spy(also with opportunity) the powerful Tenyii striker (a new chaos sneaker) and lastly Radiated scorcher (a small mana tank probably to be a decoy for sneakers)….

As the match started I realized that I may be able to win this match I had a very strong armour and his first opportunity attacks missed my Pixie, so I had and advantage point in there and I would be able to keep her much longer, my Spineback turtle was taking a beating from the strong Living lava but my magic cards 4 of them started to make a slow grinding pain into my opponents front back tank Crustacean King was being tortured nercilessley by the Tenyii striker but held for a couple of rounds as my magic boys/girls were doing exactly that magic...

I managed to take out his main tank and worked my way through his opportunity while he managed to take out my two tanks back and front and also my first pixie, but for him was already too late...




This little tank card is quite capable to withstand plenty of damage if combined with powerful armour boosters and summoners, it is also quite low on mana so you can consider it also for low mana battles in bronze, or as a back tank decoy...Really happy with my alpha card and its usefulness to be honest....
I hope you enjoyed this reading and if you want to follow me you can do in the links below I am also an electronic musician and digital artist and collector:

Have a wonderful holiday period and have great fun!!!
Thank you very much for reading and...
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