Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Theme: Baron's Bounty Bitcoin Halving Promo Event!

Source: Splinterlands

This year 2024 is very important in the world of cryptocurrencies, since almost 4 years have passed since the last Halving, therefore another reduction in the amount of rewards for Bitcoin miners will occur; usually this brings some effects on the price of cryptocurrencies, either before or after the halving. In the past, we have been able to see increases in the cryptocurrency market in the short or long term.

On several occasions the Splinterlands team has organized events or promotions, and again we will observe another promotion in which two cards are released in the Splinterlands market. These cards have stats and abilities that make them quite useful and strong. Next we are going to analyze each of these cards, and finally we will talk about how to get them, the prices of each card and how you can win prizes in this promotion.


Baron Fyatt & Henchling Enforcer

These promotional cards have the ability or the ability (Halving) to decrease the attack of the target, they also have the advantage of being summoned in two different elements, allowing them to be very functional and useful cards. It is also worth mentioning that these cards will not be available in the Packs, they can only be obtained in this way and then the owners can place them in the market. So this promotion or event is a good opportunity to get these cards exclusively.

Baron Fyatt.


It is a magical and legendary card, which belongs to the elements death and fire, at level 1 it has the abilities Halving and Scattershot, while at its maximum level #4, this card can acquire the abilities Ambush and Blind. Its stats make it a good complementary card in our teams, as it has 2 speed, 2 magic and 6 life.

Henchling Enforcer.


This rare card is a ranged attack card that belongs to the water and life elements. The main ability of this card is Halving, but at its maximum level #8 it can acquire the True Stike and Camouflage abilities. The attack power of this card is 4, the speed is 4, and it has 2 shields and 5 life. Without a doubt, it is a card that can be kept in the back of the team and has a great precision for each attack.


How to get Baron Fyatt & Henchling Enforcer.

These cards can only be obtained in this promotional event, so they are considered to be special and unique cards, the cost of Baron Fyatt is 31250 DEC and can also be purchased with credits with the same amount, on the other hand, Henchling Enforcer will cost 3125 DEC and can also be purchased with credits.

It is also possible to decrease the cost of these cards by half, but it is necessary to use Voucher, according to the official publication, each Voucher generates a discount of 50 DEC or Credits. To get the maximum discount for Henchling Enforcer it is necessary to use 31 Voucher and to get the maximum discount for Baron Fyatt it is necessary to use 310 Voucher approximately.



Promotion points and prizes.

Each DEC or Credits spent will grant one point, but the only way to obtain a valid entry for prizes is to accumulate 10,000 points. It is also important to know that from the first day of the promotion there will be a point multiplier. This will start tripling any amount of points obtained and then it will go down. In addition to that, users who accumulate more points will be able to obtain additional prizes, from Titles and normal or golden cards of different levels, but previously combined. The final prizes to be distributed are the following:




This is a great opportunity to get special cards and unique prizes, beyond the value, these cards and the participation in the event allow us to demonstrate the strength of Splinterlands, besides proving to be loyal and unique users. So don't miss this opportunity that offers the probability of getting unique prizes.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


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