BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge! / Taking Sides.

This time I will show the Taking Sides condition, the maximum mana of the battle was 37. In this condition, the only limitation is not being able to use neutral cards, maybe if your strategy is based on using neutral cards, then it could affect your plans. That's why you should always have a plan B, for this you will only use cards that belong to one element.

Source: Splinterlands

For this battle I used water element cards, but unlike my conventional strategies, this time I didn't use as many magic cards or healing cards. The first card I used was Possiblus The Wise, this card boosts life, gives extra attack to melee cards and other advantages.


In the first position I used Djinn Oshannus, this card would act as a tank, because of its resistance to magic attacks; in the second position I used Coastal Sentry, this would be a key card because of its resistance and double attack, as well as activating the summoner's Trample ability. Later, I used Hardy Stonefish, this card was a filler card, and it would be the second attack card, but after Djjin Oshannus was destroyed.

In the fourth position I used Venari Wavesmith, this card would use its magic to attack and also provide a shield to the team, in the last position I placed Swamp Spitter, this card can attack and at the same time regenerate the shield, therefore, any card with damage, mainly if it is in the first position, will have the ability to resist.

While my opponent I use: Agor Longtail, Tide Biter, Venari Wavesmith, Merdaali Guardian, Void Dragon and Vruz.


Link to the battle Splinterlands web:

  • This battle seemed pretty even, as my opponent had a pretty balanced and strong team, and the strategy made sense, where he combined Dragon and Water element cards. But in the first round nothing happened, in the second stage all the attacks were to wear him down.
  • In round 3, Djjin Oshannus was destroyed and on my opponent's side Agor Longtail and Tiene Biter.
  • Then in round 4, Venari Wavesmith was destroyed, in the next round Merdaali Guardian was defeated. From that point on, everything was a tilting in my favour.

  • Finally, in round 6, the last cards on my opponent's field were Void Dragon and Vruz, but both were destroyed by the power of Crystal Sentry.








As we have seen, only one of my cards was destroyed, the keys to victory were using Djjin Oshannus as a tank and the combination of the double attack with the summoner's Trample ability, that is, the use of Possiblus The Wise with Coastal Sentry, we can also appreciate the work of Swamp Spitter, this card provided attacks from the last position and shield restoration. Due to this combination, my opponent's resistance didn't last long, and I managed to get the victory.


Splinterlands registration referral link

The images were captured from the Splinterlands.


I hope I have fulfilled your expectations and that you have enjoyed watching my publication.

Written in Spanish and translated with (free version)


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