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Summoner Suggestion: A neutral summoner!

Imagine a neutral summoner that can use all element cards except dragon?
Would that be a good summoner? Programming-wise, it is possible since it is like the opposite of dragon summoners.

What would be the bonuses of this summoner?
I think having access to all cards except dragons is already overpowered so I think the bonus that will not make this OP is either 1 HP or -2 Armor.

The mana requirement would be 4 mana and a rare summoner just like the other rare Chaos Legion Rare summoners.

What OP line up can you think about?
Here's a line up I made that woulde be very strong.
At Silver Level this would be very strong:
Tank - Grund Level 3
Secondary Tank - Deeplurker Level 5
Support - Venari Wavesmith Level 4
DPS - Axemaster Level 3
Off Tank - Demented Shark Level 5
Back - Mycelic Slipspawn Level 4

Explanation of this Line up.
The Grund and Axemaster will be the primary damage dealer.
While Slipspawn taunt will keept the damage of enemy away from Grund.
The Venari Supports the tankiness of Grund. The longer it survives the better for the Team. Axemaster will be the backup source of DPS. While Demented shark buffs the damage of Grund further.

What do you think about this lineup? Is it OP? Take note, these units have additional 1HP which already adds to their survivability.

Can you think of a counter to this lineup? Would love to hear from you.