Splinterlands - Weekly SHARE YOUR BATTLE Challenge - Theme: No Attack

Hi Friends,



For the last few weeks, we saw the abilities being the highlight in the Splinterlands Weekly Challenges and this week, we see a change in that, with cards again into the limelight, but the point to be noted is that, it's NOT any particular card/monster like we used to see in earlier challenges.
Instead, it can be any monster which doesn't attack during the battle!!! Yes, No Attack monsters like Lord Arianthus or Warrior of Peace or an other monster which literally doesn't attack with ranged or melee or magic attack.
Well, we do have some countable number of such No Attack monsters and let me give it a try to capture all of those for you before I give the details of the battle for this challenge.

No Attack Monsters:

Fire Splinter:

We do NOT have any No Attack monster for Fire Splinter!!

Water Splinter:

We do have a No Attack monster for Water splinter and it's none other than Albatross.



Albatross is the second healer for Water splinter and it just does healing job without any attack and it is a flying monster, so it may evade some hits from melee or ranged attack monsters.

Earth Splinter:

Earth splinter has Failed Summoner in this category.

Failed Summoner:


Failed Summoner may be a less used monster because of no attack, but it does come with few nice abilities like Magic Reflect, Demoralize and also Strengthen the fellow monsters.

Life Splinter:

Life splinter is the one with maximum No Attack monsters with 3 in Warrior Of Peace, Truthspeaker and Angel of Light**.

Warrior of Peace:


Warrior of Peace as the name suggests, is peace spreader and has abilities to reduce the powers of all 3 types of monsters i.e. magic, ranged and melee by silence, headwind and demoralize respectively.



Truthspeaker is the monster with abilities to protect, cleanse and even heal.
While protect is available from level 1 itself, cleanse is available from level 5 and heal only in last level i.e. level 10.

Angel of Light:


Angel of Light one of the 2 Life splinter monsters with resurrect ability also has heal and inspire in levels 3 and 4 respectively besides being a flying monster.

Death Splinter:

Death splinter has single No Attack monster in Shadowy Presence.

Shadowy Presence:


Shadowy Presence can strengthen and inspire fellow monsters once it reaches level 3 and level 6 respectively.

Dragon Splinter:

Dragon Splinter doesn't have any monsters belonging to this category.

Neutral Monsters:

Neutral monsters with no attack includes our famous Peaceful Giant, Gelatinous Cube and ever heroic Lord Arianthus.

Peaceful Giant:


Peaceful Giant although doesn't have any abilities, it's mainly used as a protector of other monsters from getting exposed because of it's huge health.
Although it has lost it's popularity after introduction of another neutral monster Gelatinous Cube, but still one of the powerful monsters to e used in back to basics and other battles where we want to protect our second line monsters from early expose.

Gelatinous Cube:


Gelatinous Cube is another protector of second line monsters because of it's ability as in Peaceful Giant but also with an additional ability of self healing and scavenger which makes it more powerful than the former.
When it reaches level 10, it can even void magic attack to take less blow.

Lord Arianthus:


Last, but definitely the best among No Attack monsters is Lord Arianthus which can throw thorns, void magic attack and reflect back at them and also has shield ability to have lesser blow to itself from all 3 types of monsters.


Battle and Lineup:



For this special battle with special monsters, I had lined up monsters as below:

1. Lord Arianthus:


My main monsters for this battle were sneak monsters and I wanted some strong monster as front monster which can delay exposing my second line monsters and hence, used this.

2. Prismatic Energy:


Wanted a high health monster to back up Lord Arianthus and Prismatic Energy is best suited for this line up as it also gives 2 magic attack and void any magic reflect.

3. Cage Slug:


With it's scavenger and Opportunity abilities, I was hoping for it to be an able back up front monster and also one which gives 4 melee attack and it lived up to the expectation.

4. Feral Spirit:


First of the 2 sneak monsters I used. It's 3 melee attack was helpful in removing the armors and help Silvershield Assassin to concentrate on main health of monsters.

5. Silvershield Assassin:


The best monster in this lineup to attack the backend monsters with it's 3 melee attack and poison ability.

Silvershield Knight:


Used this specifically for inspiring the melee monsters.

This lineup was good enough to take on the opponent's monsters consisting of Elven Defeder, Spirit Miner, Elven Mystic, Tower Griffin, Goblin Chariot and Mantoid.



Round 1:

Opponent's Mantoid was taken out before it could attack by combined sneak attack of Feral Spirit and Silvershield Assassin and Lord Arianthus was strong enough for the couple of magic monsters used by opponent.


Round 2:

Goblin Chariot and Elven Mystic were remove from opponent's lineup in this round once again with sneak combination and also with the help of Cave Slug.


Round 3:

Spirit Miner and Tower Griffin were removed in this round but Spirit Miner also removed Lord Arianthus from my lineup.


Round 4:

With 2 health Elven Defender being the only monster left for opponent, it was an easy win and the credit should go to No Attack Lord Arianthus and sneaky monsters.


And that completes this battle.


Did my strategy work? What will I try differently next time?

Yes, I can say it worked as per my plan and I got win without my monsters shedding much sweat.
On the other hand, I could have tried to use a heal monster to avoid my Lord Arianthus getting removed, but that means no Feral Spirit which played it's part in removing the armors by attacking before Silvershield Assassin in each round.

Do I use NO ATTACK monsters often? Why or why not?

I use them based on the battle type and I can say I use them most of the times.

That is all I could write right now friends.
Hope you all are having a good Friday and looking forward to Weekend.

Take Care and Have a Wonderful Day :)


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