RE: Feeling So Gladius

The gladius cards are indeed nifty cards and a lot of fun to play with, if you actually remember to enter your teams! Lol I've forgotten quite a few times.. sadly I'm the strongest in my guild so I don't get booted to the shit list hahaha. They grumble but don't pipe up since I can kick their ass!!!!11. Lol nah I get carried away sometimes and forget to enter, it happens!

The wild battles are absolutely fucking insane right now! I have gotten so frustrated the last few days with the streak of losses. I can't even touch diamond 1, since I got close to Diamond 2 but got shat back down all the way to nearly gold I was livid. It's crazy and quite annoying how difficult the battles are, but yet it doesn't feel like we have a massive amount of new players out there. I don't get it lol.

I do have the neutral legendary gladius card on my alt account and holy shit that card is a BEAST. It's won me so many battles! I really wish I could bring it over to my main account hahah, too bad we couldn't at least delegate, not even rent.. ah well.

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