The challenge of playing in little league [ENG/ESP]

It is no secret that playing the Little league ruleset can become a challenge compared to when we have all our arsenal available, because this rule is very limiting and allows us to play only with cards that have 4 or less mana points. However, despite its limitation, it is a condition that makes for exciting combats due to its particularity.

As for me I like it a lot because it makes me think a little when formulating the strategy, that is stimulating but challenging at the same time, and much more when you have several battles without losing.

This week I had a combat where Little league was not only as ruleset but also "lost magic", just by reading its name it is evident what it does, which limits us even more by not being able to use magic, these rules combined make the battle to be only between monsters with melee and ranged attack.

Para nadie es un secreto que jugar la ruleset Little league puede volverse un desafio en comparación a cuando tenemos todo nuestro arsenal disponible, pues esta regla es muy limitativa y nos permite jugar solo con cartas que poseen 4 o menos puntos de mana. Sin embargo a pesar de su limitante es una condición que plantea combates emocionantes debido a su particularidad.

En cuanto a mi me gusta bastante porque me hace pensar un poco al momento de formular la estrategia, eso es estimulante pero desafiante a la vez, y mucho mas cuando se lleva varias batallas sin perder.

Esta semana tuve un combate donde no estaba solamente Little league como ruleset sino que tambien le acompañaba “lost magic”, con solo leer su nombre es evidente lo que hace, lo cual nos limita aun mas al no poder usar la magia, estas reglas combinadas hacen que la batalla sea solo entre monstruos con melee y ataque a distancia.

Battle Link

In that sense I decided to build my team, as I had available both fire and dragon I did not think twice to combine both and use melee, is the combination that I like the most because it is extremely destructive and as I am a fan of melee I took the opportunity. My summoner is the powerful and attractive warrior Daria Dragonscale, with her I can increase in +1 the attack of my troops, I could have also used Tarsa but I would not have been able to use the dragons. As a tank I decided to use my chimera ants (Antoid Plantoon) that have shield as an ability, then I placed Vruz, a card that has enough speed, the crazy goat of Battering ram was next, accompanied by Whelp Helder, Dhampir Infiltrator and Kobold miner in their respective order, pure melee attack, no ranged attack.
En ese sentido decidi armar mi equipo, como tenia disponible tanto fuego como dragon no lo pensé dos veces para combinar ambos y usar melee, es la combinación que mas me gusta porque es sumamente destructiva y como soy fan del melee aproveche la oportunidad. Mi invocadora la poderosa y atractiva guerrera Daria Dragonscale, con ella puedo subir en +1 el ataque de mis tropas, tambien podría haber usado a Tarsa pero no habría podido usar a los dragones. Como tanque decidi usar a mis hormigas quimera (Antoid Plantoon) que tienen shield como habilidad, luego coloque a Vruz, una carta que tiene bastante velocidad, la cabra loca de Battering ram fue la siguiente, acompañada de Whelp Helder, Dhampir Infiltrator y Kobold miner en su respectivo orden, puro ataque melee, nada de ataque a distancia.

As you may notice all my cards of the second row vary their skills between opportunistic and snake, which are two basic skills, nothing from the other world, but very effective, with them attacking the second row opponent and do damage is a piece of cake, which is the center of my strategy, just start and the balance was tipped to my side although I lost Kobold miner in that same turn, even so I could eliminate his Clockwork that increased their speed.
Como podras notar todas mis cartas de la segunda fila varian sus habilidades entre oportunista y snake, las cuales son dos habilidades básicas, nada del otro mundo, pero muy eficaces, con ellas atacar la segunda fila rival y hacer daño es pan comido, lo cual es el centro de mi estrategia, nada mas comenzar y la balanza se inclino hacia mi lado aunque perdi a Kobold miner en ese mismo turno, aun asi pude eliminar a su Clockwork que les aumentaba la velocidad.

With less speed the combat became easier since they were not attacking me first, that allowed my cards to take the lead in the offensive, and that translated into deaths for the rival team, in this round two of their cards fell, their Uraeus and their Stick leech, with these dead cards my monsters in the second row were free of any enemy attack.
Con menos velocidad el combate se hizo mas facil ya que no me atacaban de primero, eso permitio que mis cartas tomaran la delantera en la ofensiva, y eso se tradujo en muertes para el equipo rival, en esta ronda cayeron dos de sus cartas, su Uraeus y su Stick leech, con estas cartas muertas mis monstruos en la segunda fila estaban libre de cualquier ataque enemigo.

In the fourth turn the combat went into a monologue, two of the rival cards died again and with that their second row was destroyed while mine continued almost intact, only Kobold and Dhampir fell, the rest only did damage. My tank was brutally powerful, zero damage in the whole combat thanks to his shield ability.
En el cuarto turno el combate entro en un monologo, dos de las cartas rivales volvieron a morir y con ello su segunda fila estaba destruida mientras que la mia continuaba casi intacta, solo Kobold y Dhampir cayeron, del resto solo hacer daño. Mi tanque fue brutalmente poderoso, cero daño en todo el combate gracias a su habilidad de shield.

In the last turn there is not much to say, his reflector tank could do nothing against the combined power of my team, and he had no choice but to succumb. In this way I obtained a crushing victory, his cards were completely annulled and mine remained alive and kicking.
En el ultimo turno no hay mucho que decir, su tanque reflector nada pudo hacer ante el poder combinado de mi equipo, y no le quedo de otra que sucumbir. De esta forma obtuve una victoria aplastante, sus cartas fueron completamente anuladas y las mias quedaron vivitas y coleando.

What did you think of the combat? It is one of the many ways in which this ruleset can be approached, but there are really many, so if you have any other strategy I would like to know it, so I'll wait for you in the comments.
¿Qué te ha parecido el combate? Es una de las multiples formas en que se puede abordar esta ruleset, pero hay muchas realmente, razon por la cual si tienes alguna otra estrategia me gustaría conocerla asi que te espero en los comentarios.

The images and separators have been edited in Adobe Photoshop using elements from the game.

If you want to start playing, you can do it from here:

3 columns
2 columns
1 column