Recent End of Season (in Champion 1st times ever) and 1 gift for the Baron promotion.

I was glad to be able to take part in the Baron promotion in Splinterlands. Not only do i want a card with the halving ability (i been lookin at the Chemist forever), but i was hoping to score on the Raffle as well.

Got excited thinking about some more land pieces, since i only have 1, and was hoping to win but i instead just ended up with what i thought was pretty Untamed pack. JUST 1 PACK FOR GODS SAKE...

ok, control yourself...

But i remained hopeful even though the odds of a good card really arent that good...

Dud pack, what a bummer. Not a single gold, not Epic, nor Legendary. Oh well.


So i do actually really like the Baron so far, ive won some cool matches with him, hoping i win a million more matches to pay the card off lol


I happened to end quite strongly, in the past 2 seasons. I managed to just barely get into Champion III, and stay there. First time ever though, reaching and my award of Glint was pretty nice too. (Kinda wish was little more for me though).

So taking this Glint, i had done what many others have surely been doing, and spent most in the shop. Doing a batch or 2 of the Master and Elite draws.

This was a pretty solid batch, because i got a Noa the Just (epic), 2 Iziars (Legendary), 1 Clockwork Aide (epic), 1 Will O Wisp (epic), and 1 Skog (Legendary), so i was pretty happy with it.

I did one more Master Batch and 2 Elite Draw Batches, but bunch of commons, and nothing else too special. I did get another 2 Iziar, so now i have one at max level...BEASTLY.


Well, finale is that my time is done here. This is my 3rd post of the week, and i shall continue on this mission to build my Hive balance up again. Its been a wild market, and we are getting hit across the board here. From SPS, to ZING...seems we are just getting Zinged...

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