Quacks Flea Market # 3 with a Gold Merdhampir (lv 3) for giveaway. Also....i bought few more cards.

Wow, this month is moving forward so far and its close to Halloween. Its time again, to open the Quack Flea market for a 3rd round. Up for grabs today is a Gold Level 3 Merdhampir. I apologize for not having a proper image of the level 3 Merdhampir, instead im using my level 4 card.

The only difference actually is the addition of a 2nd ability on the level 4, but once again id like to clarify that up for grabs is a LEVEL 3 MERDHAMPIR. I know there is a place to go to for images and such but im being a little lazy right now. I remember seeing a post with a link to card images but i cant remember where exactly it was, or what the easiest way to find it is. Maybe someone has a quick link to it, if youre able to post it here as a comment for me.

Just workin....

Otherwise im just working a lot past few months. Well, past few years really. Working nights and many nights. Making mistakes, and trying to fix them. Blah blah, must slay debt but im also a fiend when it comes to buying cards.

Today i decided i wanted to buy more summoners to get to level 5 card strength. I purchased 2 Gold Tarsas, and 3 Gold Obsidian. It is no cheap adventure im on here but I also may have to switch gears in honor of @lordtimoty. I also just recently rented a few cards to get a feel for renting a good team to help be more competitive. Theres something about buying the cards and making them mine, but money is hard to come by and easy to spend. So i am making a promise to myself that i will try to just rent cards from now on. I already have a pretty massive collection and my debts are huge so it is imperative if i want to move on with my life.

NO MORE CARDS FOR ME....for a while

Of course, ive said this before and ive had a hard time sticking to my words, but experiencing playing with some rented cards is fulfilling enough and i will continue to dabble next few days. It may end up being cheaper that way.

But i have plenty of cards that i can part with so that i can give to players who are trying to build up a collection. Or to whomever is lucky on the draw.

So you are welcome to comment, and i will pick a random person to receive the Level 3 Merdhampir.

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