Holy crap, its been a while. Wassup to the Hive homies.

Dam, its been a while, and for no good reason. Markets been on a wild ride, and lifes always a wild ride, but i just been working like an animal, kinda same old same old. Posting less, and actually not since the absolute beginning of this year. My curation slowed to a crawl, but ive tried to at least keep curating and have recently almost gotten back up to speed on that.

Hive is Still Badass

Yup, sure is. Price has been solid, the action is still here, and our games are still chugging forward.

Ive still been playing Splinterlands and Rising Star consistently and am happy to have had a few good snags recently. Ill mention my favorite new card and then list my season rewards from this past EOS.


With the new updates, the soul bound idea, don't know how valuable this card might be, but because its gold, and because i got 3 already, im already at a level 3 legendary card. Has been pretty useful so far with the double strike.

Some cool lore of course.


Happened to get this guy too, which is pretty cool. Double strike with a magic attack, but little slow. Haven't quite used this card much yet, but surely quite powerful.

Has a ton of lore, but we like good story.


And boom boom, another season, which is the reason....for this post.

Nothing too special but a pretty nice stash of SPS, which we all surely would like more of. Keeps our accounts looking strong, but prices in general have come down from those juicy highs. Ill be thankful anyways.


Still grabbing 12 packs at a time every now and then, still leveling up happily, although slightly unsure what our future is here. Does it matter....nah, maybe not.

Keep rockin!

Have had some cool epics lately but the star of the show is the 2nd Legend card ive ever received.

This beast of a card, DEGSY

And on that note, we gotta keep striving to be legends ourselves. Hope yall been good. Gotta keep stackin n quackin.

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