Opening my first 5 Splinterlands Chaos Legion packs 🤩

Hey everyone,

I have been waiting to open my Chaos Legion packs for like forever and I was so hyped to finally see what cards I would receive. All the talking about it, streams and promo material increased my excitement a lot. And now it was time to open the packs...



My packs

I've bought 2 packs in the pre-sale for ~ $24 each ($4 for the pack and about $20 for the VOUCHER token) which was quite a lot. That's why I haven't bought more (yet) but I will definitely buy more in this phase of the sale. 2 packs gave me a 4% chance for the exclusive Dr. Blight airdrop card - which i didn't get 😥 Well, it was just a 4% chance, so I wasn't expecting to get one but it's still kinda sad.

I also received 2 packs from @splinternews / @solymi who is a great streamer and he's giving away a lot of free stuff in his live streams. Thx for the 2 packs bro, I really appreciate that. You should check out his content for sure 🤩

In addition to that I received one extra pack from a @dygycon 6 Twitter giveaway by Blockchain Founders Fund - Thanks to them as well!

What cards did I get?

Now to the exciting part: My new cards. I saw a preview of all the Chaos Legion cards and they look amazing. The design is awesome as always and the new abilities seem really interesting. So I was hoping for a lot of different (and strong) cards.

Here's what I've got:






Take a look at all these nice new cards 😍 I just can't get enough of them, they look so great! I used 25 gold potions and 25 alchemy potions to increase my chances. In the end I received 2 epic, 4 rare and 19 common cards. That's alright, although I was hoping for a legendary card or a golden one. If you consider that I used a total of 50 potions this seemed possible but no luck for me there.

All in all the cards I've got are okay but I want to open new packs so badly to finally get a legendary / golden or summoner card. I guess I still have to save some crypto for that.

Not playing Splinterlands yet? Well, that's a mistake. Start right now by clicking here.

Thanks for reading and see you next time 😊

Cheers ✌

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