Obsessive Compulsive Splinterland Player Vows to Buy all Her Starter Cards

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"Another one converted," sighs Ann who has been on a mission to convert all her starter cards with an S on them into legitimate cards on popular card strategy game Splinterlands.

"That's the Fire Splinter finally all legitimate. No more pretenders."
Ann who has a mild case of obsessive compulsive disorder does not like the starter card symbol on any of her cards so she is slowly working through them to get rid of the "S" sign.
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"Some of them were Epic's and they are costing me a couple of thousand DEC to convert but it is worth it to make everything right," claimed Ann as she purchases another Splinterlands card that just cancels out the starter card.

"I could continue playing with the starter cards. Buying these ones makes no difference really. They both do the same job but I just don't like that big "S" on my cards. I like to have them all the same."

"Thank god Splinterlands have that bot issue to sort out with bots only using Starter cards."
"It is giving me the drive to wipe my starter cards out once and for all"

Ann who has a very neat house and has her tea towels alligned by colour code in her kitchen is spending every last reward from her Cleaning Tips Posts on Ladies of Hive to buy up these cards to cancel out her "S" cards.

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"I would say a 60,000 DEC should do it."
"Then I all my cards are aligned and my anxiety will subside."
"The pain is that I am still getting trounced in the battles and the quests because I don't really own the cards I really need but I will buy them once I get rid of those pesky "S's" on my screen"

"It's actually a great money maker," claims one Splinterlands source.
"We make the "S" big enough that it niggles at the players and it is designed to plant the seed and ultimately manipulate the players to buy the real cards."

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"It's kinda like how McDonalds put paintings in their restaurant that customers get sick of looking at after 20 minutes so they stay for less time to increase turn around times in their sitting area."
"We actually hired the guy that did that for them."
"He designed the "S".
"He also designed the bit under the picture to be different also to really bring the point home."
"He is good with using one letter to symbolise one thing but he just came back from Russia there after designing a "Z" for them and he's a bit melancholy about that one. But it's all swings and roundabouts.

Meanwhile Ann is 65.55% through converting all her Starter Cards over.
"I got a few Untamed as starter cards and they cost around $10 to convert plus the summoners are bloody expensive as well but I will succeed," states Ann in a confident manner as she folds her clothes in a neat pile.

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Ann's husband who is drinking a can and scratching his belly has seen it all before.

"When she buys all the starter cards and makes them 'Legitimate children' as Ann likes to call them she will get a bee in her bonnet about having all the cards and this is when I will step in and start cutting her credit cards up with a scissors."
"There is no fucking way I'm letting her buy a Kitty or a Yodin. We will have to remortgage the house!!"
"She has done this before with the bloody pokemons."
"We nearly lost the fucking house over it so I have an app on my phone telling me when there is large amounts of money taken out of the account."
"She's a disaster but she will get the job done."
"The next reward will buy me Obsidian and this will start me off wiping out the starter cards in Earth."
"It's a long road ahead but I will do it. The prices are low right now so this is the time to do it"
"I couldn't be staring at those "S"s for much longer.

We will update the reader on Ann's progress over the next couple of months.

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