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Title: Splinterlands Social Media Challenge-6 Years Anniversary: Deeplurker Strategies &Tips.

Hello everyone!

Guess we still celebrating the 6 years anniversary of splinterlands, which is a good thing. Last week I talked about how I got into playing the game and what has helped and motivated me over the years.
This week however, I am going to do something different, and that is? :

Am gonna talk about a card I have been using that has really helped me out alot during most of my epic battles



The strategy and tips am gonna share about this card is quite familiar with alot of people. In the water Splinter, I have been using this card in the Tank or goto tank position and it has been doing its job pretty well.

The good thing about this card or most card out there is that one can use it as a starter card which is actually a good thing. But going on futher to enjoy this card better it will be wise and fit if one upgrade it's level either by buying it or renting it

Now for the starter level as you can see, this card is already powerful. The mana cost is excellent, the speed is average, the attack is great and the life span is super. These are actually the key points one should consider when coosing a card. "The ability, the speed, the attack and the Life span

However, the ability in level 1 is the oppotunity ability which is attacking from any position and target the enemy with the lowest health. I think it's quite fair, and seems this card is already powerful even in the starter level.


If you noticed, you'll see the different stats from each level 1 to 10, the higher the level, the higher the Est point and power. But if you look closer in level 6, another ability was added to this card which is the poison ability,: This ability has to do with having a 50%chance of causing damage to the target enemy at every round. The summoner Underboss Fabino has this abilty but we aint here to talk about him.

The two abilities this card posses however are very powerful and unique both in the starter level and level 4. So its either all or some.

For sale

Like I wrote before, this card can be use even if you don't own it. It can be use as a starter card, but the funny thing about it is that you aint gonna earn some token with it if you defeat an enemy. Now you can either buy this card at level 10 which is sold between the range of $7-6.99.

Fair price though looking at the 3 abilities one can have.

For Rent

Further more, this card can be rented for a lower fee less than a dollar from level 3-10 just for a couple of days.

The choice is yours, either you want to own this card or you want to rent it.

Splinterlands has alot of oppotunities to earn. You can either put up your collections of cards for sales or rent them out. Its that simple.

The strategies and tips Deeplurker has can be express in the tank or goto tank position, so I think that's all I've got to write about this card. Feel free to add any tips and strategies for this card in the comment section.

Thank you.


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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