Holla Splinters
So recently on the social media challenge post, I saw the new update about renting some collections of cards as a newbie.
Actually, I think this is a good update and would really help those who don't know what card to use or which ever to get started with.
The New Update
First and foremost, knowing where to start matters alot. Then as a newbie to use these features, you'll have to purchase the summoners spell book for a chance to rent as many Chaoes legion and Reward card collection.
It should be worthy to note that renting of these sets is seasonal but if there is fewer days left before the season ends, the card rented will be carried on till the next season.
Rental Listing
From the look of things, there are just 6 users who put on their collection for rent. If you look futher you'll notice the amount it cost to rent a collection per day on each listing price.
The least amount to rent is 130 dec per day which is very affordable, that will be way less than 0.5$ for a day to get a huge collection of cards to start with. For some reasons, they made the packs so easy, accessible and affordable as well.
Set Of Chaoes legion packs
Now these are just cards to get your toes wet they can be played in both Modern and wide too.
These set of cards are similar with the ones used for practice which is labelled S at the top of them, the only difference is that, you can be rewared if a battle is won using these packs unlike the ones lebelled S
Non Soul bound Chaos legion Reward card.
It's a good thing the cards are similar, for me I already know the features and fundamental of each card while practicing months ago so using them isn't a new thing to me. Also, I am able to combine set and win battles with it.
The chaoes packs consist of 130 cards which I find quite enough to get started with. It also has all element with various monster found in each.
So if you're a newbie and you've made up your mind to become an official member of splinterlands by purchasing the spellbook, You can head over to set rentals found under the market where you can either rent sets or list them for rent.
In some of my post, I wrote about collections of monsters a newbie can start with especially in the water and earth element.
If you are just starting out, its best you focus more on one splinter at a time. You can study the monsters in the water splinter and move on to the next Splinter.
All the same, splinterland is a nice game and I urge you to give it a try if you haven't.
Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands
characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While I was playing the game with my iphone
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Original content by the author.
Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland
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