Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - REBELLION TO THER WE RISE (Watch Out For The Massive New Reward Cards)

Holla Splinters!!!!!

On Thursday, August 15 2024, there will be a new release on Reward cards. What this mean is that, the old cards which is the chaos legion soulbound, will go out of print on that same day the new one will be released.

Well, Reward cards basically cannot be found in the market, and since it is soulbound, it can neither be sold nor can it be rented.

Sometimes when I see a card I'd like to try out during battles, I never find them in the marketplace because there are soulbound reward cards.

It's gonna be epic at the same time massive to see such updates finally coming into reality. So What exactly is the name of this new sets of reward cards?

Seeing that we now have rebellion cards all over splinterlands both for starters and at the marketplace, having a Rebellion Reward card as well wouldn't be such a bad idea would it? At least this completes the equation.

The new reward card which is called the rebellion Soul bound reward card, will be release next week thursday August 15 2024. At the same time of it's release, the old ones will go extinct or fade out, the only way to either rent or sell the old ones out is by unbinding it before the day.

The Expansion.

What I like about this set of cards is the awareness and new set of abilities it brings with it.

Just as the chaos legion reward card, the Rebellion reward card won't be any different as it consists of;

  • 12 Rare and common cards
  • 12 legendary cards
  • 7 Epic cards

The only newly added is the set of abilities
Which are:

1.Corrupted Healing

In each round, ⅓ of the max health is restored to allied unit, and each time a unit is healed his max health is reduced by 1


For instance If the target has two or less health after a successful attack, it perform another attack against the same unit

3. Mimic

At the beginning of round 2 and each following round, gain a random ability from the enemy team and also a 25% chance to gain a random ability from an attacker when hit.

4. Wingbreak

Always target enemy units with Flying first regardless of abilities or rulesets. +2 damage if the target has Flying.

With all the new sets of abilities I think I like the corrupted healing more.

Because for those players who are addicted with using tank healers in every battle will have to think twice that there is now an ability that counters that ability.

Some of the ambassadors on splinterlands have been preparing to give a sneaky peak of the card. For now All I saw and read is that the art piece on the card is mindblowing and I couldn't agree more.

Alternatively, if you want to get a peak and see the card from the inside, then i suggest you follow more or less ambassadors from the list.


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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