Splinterlands-Social Media Challenge- Halving is coming

One thing I love about the Barons bounty is the two
unique cards being sold,

Two things I love about this card, the outfit for sure does look royalty, plus it comes with 4 exquisite abilities.

I’m aware of all three abilities but one "Halving" now this here is a new one.

The mana cost is great, the life span is excellent, and the attack comes with magic. I think this card will act great in the tank position.

This card however is sold for 31,250 dec which is about $27 yap its expensive, but definitely worth it.

Here is the second Baron card, now this card would also be great in the tank position which posses three unique abilities. Including the new release "Halving" ability

Now this card is gotten for 3125 dec which is about $2.7 i think this is affordable enough and i might just have to go for this one.

Wish the sales would be forever though, but the time is ticking and we've got just 10 days left. The painful part is, once Barons bounty ends, you can only purchase this card from other players. Which would actually be too complicated or not.

Not to mention the incredible gifts that comes in store purchasing this cards. Prizes worth $100k from splinterlands own wallets such as:

500 PLOT tokens

100 Alpha packs

250 Beta packs

500 Untamed Packs

50 Essence Orb Packs

100 Azmare Dice Packs

20 Runi NFTs

Who wouldn't want these, so hurry up, the Halving is upon us.

See you next week for more epic battles !


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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