Splinterlands Social Media Challenge - Diamonshark Hitting Hard

Holla Splinters

It's another epic weekend on splinterlands and I hope you guys had a great week and also, hope you guys are having a fantastic weekend because mine.... Well not so great, as I'm basically stretched thing with all the activities of the home.

So! that's that. Now, I'm just gonna share a brief game I played sometime this week.

Here we go


They ain't no ruleset in this battle, just standard modification,

The mana cost was very low. It was about 12 mana cost which made me adopt the strategy being used when given a low mana cost to work with.

Again, choosing a team sure wasn't difficult and whenever am given a low mana cost battle, I always love going with the water splinter.

Reason being, it has powerful monsters with low mana that I can work with.

I went with just my favorite summoner Keyal frendul and my favorite monster Diamonshark.

My Monsters

Summoner/ Monster
Kelya frendul+1 Speed +1Armor
DiamonsharkTrample ability

My Opponents

Summoner/ Monster
Tenyeii Striker
Radiated Scorcher



Watch full battle on splinterlands

There is actually a reason why I went with Diamonshark, although, I would have probably just go for deeplurker, but the main reason is; I remembered one time, that I wrote a post about diamonshark, talking about how powerful and improtant he is.

So this battle becomes more like a practical of what I talked about the other time.

In other words, it's like a proof to show how powerful and important diamonshark really is and word don't do justice.

ROUND 1: Trample !!!!

My opponent was good and he went with just 3 monsters in the fire splinter. For some reasons, I am not really a fan of the fire splinter because I find the monsters in there a bit lazy.

Round one attack basically went on Diamonsharks shield. And before it could affect his health he has already taken tenyii down and off the race

Round 2--4_____

Tenyi did great on his attack. He didn't throw any axe or carry out some magic but I noticed both just attacked with their body and nothing else

When Diamonshark took down Radiated scorcher, it was just with one body hit and he was gone. I noticed again that, diamonshark is very fast when it comes to attack.

Radiated and Tenyii did lots of attack, but Diamonshark probably miss them maybe because of the trample ability he posses. Taking down both opponent wasnt really difficult for him


Diamonshark is a powerful monster YES! And he is used mostly in the tank position, the go-to-tank position however isn't such a bad idea either. If you look closely, he is very fast when it comes to attack because of the level of speed he posses. His health is great and his shield protects him from quick damage.
He might get hit a couple times but he always knows how to miss attacks from his opponent


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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