Splinterlands Social Media Challenge-6 Years Anniversary (My Journey Thus Far)

Hello everyone!

So I see everything and everyone bubbling all up on X anticipating for the Event, the main tournament holding up on May 31st. I don't know if it's the wait, or the event itself but it could be thrilling, exciting and gives cold spines.

In this post, I ain't gonna talk about what's gonna happen or how it will happen on May 31st. Instead, I'm gonna do something different and that will be, "To talk about my love for Splinterlands," for the umpteenth time lol.

It's been 6 years on and Splinterlands has stood the test of time, it is still standing strong as one of the oldest game on the blockchain. The major reason why I love it, is as a result of it's collaboration and brilliant team work.

Splinterlands wasn't fascinating to me at first not until I saw others playing it and learnt how to know what cards works best or what doesn't. To me its all about practicing, practicing and keep practicing.

I've had worst moment on Splinterlands where I would lost a battle and still kept going. Other times, I probably might win twice just for a day. Loosing back to back too might be annoying and frustrating but we never give up, we are still playing.

One of my best moments is picking a team, I love using the earth splinter more because it contains most set of card one can use to win battles, choosing a tank, goto tank and tank healer all round up the game

My best cards however are the tank healers or any card who posses the healing ability, probably because it shield my tanker and makes it last longer for battles, and my best moment is winning a battle like this. However not all battles can be favorable when it comes to picking the tanker and using it.

One thing I've learnt on Splinterlands is: The moment you let your guards down, that might probably be you loosing countless battles. So, always makes use of opportunities by seizing the moment and in all aspect, "Never let your guards down."

Although, my main reason for being on Splinterlands is to game and have fun, but that doesn't mean I do not have a goal and objective. While the fun never stops or gets old, one could really relate to making something useful out of it while still having fun. Always remember to "seize the moment."

This season, I plan to stack up as much SPS as possible cause I believe it will be a lot more expensive in the future, aside from SPS, one can really go passive with Splinterlands and that is another of my aims, earning passively.

Playing in Splinterlands has really helped a great number of people because in there one can find various opportunities, even selling, buying and renting off assets. The point is making and taking a stand.

Buckle your seat belt guys, it's gonna be a fun ride in the coming years, and by the time Splinterlands would be celebrating its 12th or 24th anniversary, heck I'll still be in it cause its all about the excitement and entertainment.

The trick though is finding what works best for you, utilizing your strategies, and making good use of an opportunity.


Title Theme created in Canva by me, with the image from Splinterlands

characters and screenshot taken in splinterlands While i was playing the game with my iphone

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Original content by the author.

Resources: App: Canva / Splinterland


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