Cards you should add on Splinterlands deck...

Splinterlands is full of so many great cards, but not all of us did get a chance to use all of them not all of us can do that for sure. There are thousands of cards we all do have some favorite decks and cards that we all do love to use. we are kind of used to that. I do love, magic cards more than any other cards. what about you?


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That is possible to play the same set of cards all the time, we have to change the deck of cards as per the game set rules. So the more cards you do have the better the chances of your winning are that is obvious. The best advice is to build more decks of different elements, I think most of us do love the magic monsters but there are a few good natural cards too.

today I will share a few of my favorite cards with you I am sure you will like them, maybe you are already using them to play already.

* Furious Chicken:

I am sure we all have used this card a lot this really plays a vital role in small mana battels in high mana it is not that much use full it will be better to use other cards if you do have a space left then surely then can be very helpful. You can use this to miss the opponent's one attack sometimes one missed attack can make a big difference. The card is now expensive rent would be good if you want to practice these cards and if you think this is useful then sure you can add this to your cards.

I would recommend you buy or rent level-up cards that will surely be going to useful. The more the level the better the card and that is obvious. Not going to share another chart for that you can look at the details below in the image. Link of battle where I have used the card. The card is in demand and it is up by 69% right now. If you will level up then at level 3 you will unlock one melee attack and that is good for a card that did cost any mana.

Furious Chicken

* Ruler of the Seas

I do love this the one reason is it magical card and the other one is the ability to blast. That makes this card great for me. Magic is very useful when you have a rule set of extra shields (not all the time for sure sometimes the case can be different for sure). But this card can be useful with the blast ability if the opponent does have some anti-blast card at the second position then things can be different for sure.

But still, 2 magic attack is good at 6 mana cost with an extra bast ability. Whenever I did get a chance to play with the card I do that. Battel link of this card gameplay. The more the card will be better the ability will be you can unlock Swiftness and Silence with the cards level up.

Ruler of the Seas

* Creeping Ooze :

The name seems to be creepy so does the card this reminds me of a character of ben10 that was goop, not sure if you have seen that or not. The card is only 1 mana and will reduce the speed of the opponent and speed doid play a very vital role in the battle. I have seems many battles when other users did get a chance to fight back with the opponent's level of cards (that did happen very rarely)

Battle link of the card, this seems to be a good card with one mana card try to keep this card in the middle of the opponent has a card with the ability that can be a drag. have you used this card?

Creeping Ooze

* Venator Kinjo:

A 2 mana card with the ability of Reflection Shield and Camouflage. That seems to be a really great card, if you have a blast rule set then you should use this in the second position to see the results and you have to use the first card of good health and shield (not all the time it is going to help for sure).

battle link of the card, I am not saying with this card you do have a guarantee to win the battle but there are chances to win the battle if the opponent does have a card with an ability that can be a problem for sure. The health is only 2 so it is the drawback of the card. but it is a good one and I do use this a lot when I see a rule set of the blast.

Venator Kinjo

what are your favorite cards do you have any suggestions for me?
I would love to implement that in my next battle.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end, I do hope that this post was informative for you to feel free to share your thoughts.

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