Battling from the Beginning


Hello Splinterlands fans.

Just thought I would write a little something about my Splinterlands journey so far. I started back in September last year and it's been a bit of a wild ride with prices of SL assets way up and way down from then to now.

Funnily enough , I got into Splinterlands because my partner was telling me we should invest in NFTs and at first I was a bit sceptical , but I looked around a bit , did some research and landed on Splinterlands in the end. I had actually thought about playing Splinterlands back in the Steemit days , I suppose around when it started , and thought it looked pretty cool , but never did pull that trigger (unfortunately).

Also one thing comes to mind when I started. I remember Dice still being available in the shop , although at the time I didn't realize that those were actually card packs, I probably would have bought a few packs if I did realize that that is what they were :) .

So at the start I was basically looking for something to invest in , but in the end I play pretty much every day now, because I found that the game is actually interesting and fun to play , it's definitely not just something to invest in. And with new cards and abilities that came in with Chaos Legion , it makes the game that much more interesting and fun trying to figure out how to use the new cards and abilities effectively.

Fast forward to now and I've been fortunate enough to get a bunch of Chaos Legion packs and a few other cards along the way , and I've managed to build a Gold Deck at the moment , not a maxed out Gold Deck though. And I do find I am getting lot better at figuring out what works and what doesn't in Gold League , but definitely still a small time player at this point :) . Gold 1 starts to get a bit tough for me and I start to get a lot closer to a 50% win rate , so a bit more work to do there.

Ahh , so I should actually write a paragraph regarding the title haha :)

Just the other day I started playing on of my alt accounts again (originally I created it just to play around in bronze). So I started from 0 in novice. Man that is so different after playing in Silver and Gold for ages. Even playing in Bronze again is like whoaaa ... It's like relearning everything from the beginning again.

In Gold and Silver you just get so used to certain cards having certain abilities that aren't there in Bronze. In a way it's almost more difficult hahah. I'm not sure if it actually is , but it does seem that way at times.

So just earlier I've finally made to Bronze 2 , and I found so far that a lot of the plays are either a Magic or Anti-Magic build , and I may have seen Water a few times, but mostly seem to face Obsidian or Thaddius. Which is sort of good in a way , because it's somewhat predictable.

Anyways , I have been thinking lately I might make a video of me playing though some of the daily quests from my accounts. Or just some general gameplay outlining my thoughts on why I choose certain cards/decks. I haven't really done any videos or streams before , so not really sure how that would go, but might just give it a go and post a few ... YOLO right? :)

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