Elven Cutthroat and Cunning like a netherling queen | Splinterlands Battle Challenge

Elven, be cutthroat and cunning, think like a netherling queen! And this is how Elven Cutthroat was born in the darkness of the forest amongst other elves. This monster of the forest masters the art of knives and can while morphing with the surroundings, he can get the last monster on the enemy lines. Camouflaged by the surroundings, along with a deadly knife it will cutthroat you in a blink of an eye if you are not protecting yourself.

The battle that I've taken with Elven Cutthroat involved the Earth Summoner as the forest protects these monsters the best. As I have not leveled up any Elven Cutthroat and was part of the playable monsters, I've put it in the last lines to give it a try. While it didn't do or resist too many attacks, it proved to be a good warrior if upgraded to higher levels.

The army was led by Lyanna Nature, a rare Earth summoner that inspires its warriors and enchanted them with an additional +1 Health.
The Flesh Golem held the first line having the Heal ability each round.
The Goblin Thief followed in line and attack the last line monsters from the enemy team.
The Minotaur Warrior brought some fear to the enemy through its appearance and powerful strike.
The Wood Nymph couldn't be missing from the army with its Tank Heal that provided additional strength to the Flesh Golem.
Elven Cutthroat and Failed Summoner protect the backline until the front monster took the victory, which was not easy.

The fight was not easy, but it brought victory in the end. Splinterlands battlefields are as forceful as can be, so knowing your fighters, putting their information where they are best suited, and knowing the rules of the battle can make the difference between winning and losing. Master that and you'll be invincible in the Splinterlands wars!

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