One Loot Chest Two Cards

Did the title got you? I assure you it's not clickbait... Okay I admit the title was kinda clickbaity...well kinda but it's not. Confused?

Let me explain.

I did technically "received" two cards from my (Bronze III) loot chest. I say technically because I didn't actually received the cards from opening the loot chest but rather by using the actual reward I've gotten from said loot chest.

Why does it felt like that I made it more confusing 😅

Okay, here's the TLDR: Basically what happened was that I've received 330 Credit from my daily loot chest. I then used that 330 Credit to buy two of the cheapest (reward) card in the market which cost .15 and .16 cent respectively.

See I didn't lie because I did "technically received" two cards from one loot chest. It's not magic nor is it a bug so if you're reading this thinking that I've discovered a bug then you'll be very disappointed.

By the way, I just want to ask: Did you click on this article because the title? If you did then congratulations! You just proved that clickbaity titles still works.

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