Rebellion battle....


This week we have a look at an battle with rebellion units.
I did not buy any rebellion units this week. waiting for next months $ injection.
Also looking into GLS to be able to participate in the arcade colony airdrop system... Not sure if i will participate.

Rebellion conflict update

Almost a week into conflict and i gathered 109 chances.

Rebellion Price development

Overall price development of my modern deck:


From the start of rebellion:


Rebellion Battle example


High mana battle with some nice rulesets. no ranged units and only common rare units. All units will have opportunity. There are only two spinters its either magic or anti magic. so with that in mind i will try to do a curve ball with selecting lux.


Equal Opportunity:
All units will gain the opportunity ability. So all units will attack the unit with the lowest health.
This can be steered by taunt units.

Broken Arrows:
No range units may be selected.

Rise of the Commons:
Only rare and common units may be selected. Note that epic and legendary summoners can be selected.

The Lineup


Try to give a curve ball by not selecting anti magic or magic. still a risk if my opponent chooses to play a magic team it might become difficult

Monsters Lineup


Cursed Windeku (lvl 7)
From bronze to diamond an very strong unit. I still on the fence to upgrade it for diamond. for the future....
in this battle it will not be targeted quickly because of the health and the taunt unit.

Possessed Puppet (lvl 10)
Because all units have opportunity it can attack from this position then the double strike with cripple will be useful

Cabalist (lvl 6)
With the opportunity ruleset in play we can also expect some melee unit therefor the demoralize is probable neccessary.

Venari Bonesmith (lvl 8)
After the taunt is dead it should have gain enough health so it would not be targeted. Hope to land some poison for the 2 extra damage per round.

Helheim Demon (lvl 6)
Here is my rebellion unit of this week used in this battle. This is one of the cheaper units and i got it leveled on gold level. This is the level i normally play.
In this case this unit is selected for the taunt it should distract all the opportunity units so the magic units can do they stuff.

Night Ghoul (lvl 6)
second taunt unit that when 5+ more damage units will be nerfed down to 1 damage with forcefield.

The Battle


Link to the battle:
Link to battle


Start :

Some similar strategy by my opponent. My opponent has some lower level rebellion unit will this be the important difference. He has selected an minus magic and minus melee that is a good choice with the rule set where there are no ranged units.

Round 1:

I did miss my gaint killer that does double damage.
many missed in this round on both sides.
The poison landed in the first round for me an not for my opponent that is some extra lucky making me ahead of the game

Round 2:

There it goes, just 2 more leveled up units makes the difference. Two time the giant killer that give me the lead.
Now i just got more power that will be deciding factor.

Round 3:

The opportunity kill the weakest units one by one in a very efficient matter. One more round to go.

Round 4:



Another battle where rebelion is used. I notice i start using rebellion more often every week. Especially in brawls. Still i'm far away to have all units leveled up units for gold:


That's all for this week hope you enjoyed reading this battle report. See you all on the battle field

Do you also want to be part of this amazing play to earn game consider using my refferal link.

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