# Trouble is coming (mainly just for me). - Splinter Stats Ranked Rewards Season 7 Report Card


Hi everyone!

So, this is last season's report card. I wanted to get it on the books before this current season ends (in 1 day and 16 hours)..... because, I'm expecting that big trouble is coming for AussieNinjas.

I have been pretty excited about Riftwatchers. Check out these amazing cards:

There are so many cards I'm really pumped for... but my stupid long-term strategy is going to hurt me in the short-term.

My long term strategy is to buy Riftwatchers packs with my DEC and SPS (that I get from the LPs)... as much as I can before they sell out.

I won't be opening any of the Gem packs, so I won't be getting access to any of these amazing cards anytime soon.

After the packs entirely sell out... and players have opened all their packs to maximize their airdropped cards, then I'll be looking to spend my DEC and SPS on the cards that I really like... keeping my packs unopened.

Finally, eventually, once the Riftwatchers packs are selling for $10 on the Hive Engine, then I'll sell my packs, convert to DEC and buy all the cards I need.

It's a long term plan that is rough.
It's rough because the SPS rewards per game are so good right now... and the more that everyone else is leveling up their collections, the lower down the leagues I'll go and the less SPS I'll win per game. It's also not quite as exciting as playing these new cards when everyone else is working out the best strategies for them. I'm definitely going to be nervous going into 99 Mana battles from now on...

Whoa! I'm playing as I'm writing this and this was my very first taste of the huge attack output of the new cards:

So what do you think of my plan? Terrible? Brilliant? Respectable? Not-great?

Match Report


Diamond Rank70
Rating3556 - Diamond I
Rating High3558
Ratio (Win/Loss)1.19 (117/98)
Longest Streak5

My performance was not my favourite.
I could not break into Champs III even though I tried real hard. I did about the same as I did in Season 6... so potentially Diamond I is my ceiling until I start getting new cards.

I'm happy with my Win/Loss ratio though... I thought it was going to be way worse.

Rewards Report

Standard Foil Cards
Total Standard39365
Gold Foil Cards
Total Gold4500

Loot Chests

Reward ChestsDailiesSeasonTotalπŸ’²Token
Legendary Potions6463127🟑 5080
Alchemy Potions8923112🟑 5600
DEC00-🟣 0
SPS77.84166.685-⭐ 144.526
Merits14881120-πŸŽ€ 2608
CHAOS Packs213🟑 12000
Cards (Total)241943🟣 865

Captured DEC/SPS (Ranked Rewards)

Ranked Play WinsDEC Earned
117🟣 0 + ⭐160.583

Total Ranked Play Rewards

Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 865 DEC
🟑 22680 CREDITS
⭐ 305.109 SPS

I got 25 cards last season but they were worth 3885 DEC as opposed to my 39 cards worth 865 DEC.

I'm not sure if that's just the luck of the draw, or the changes that have gone into the various proposals that makes the Champs III league and above so much more mighty. I'll have to compare with next season (the main reason I'm doing this report now).

You can see the different already with the changes... last season I got 117 Ranked Play Wins with 🟣 1611 + ⭐151.924... and now DEC has been removed and I got 117 Ranked Play Wins with 🟣 0 + ⭐160.583.

This is what I got last season:
Total Ranked Play Earnings
🟣 7056 DEC
🟑 31660 CREDITS
⭐ 924.551 SPS

Pretty massive difference for the exact same number of wins, no?

🟣 Rental Report

Expenses (inc. fees)(588.142)
Cancellation Refunds0.000

Rentals are down from 22052.450 last season. I'm guessing my Beta/Untamed cards just aren't as popular with the kids anymore.

⭐ SPS Report

Type⭐ Amount Claimed
Staking Rewards6447.688
NET SPS8427.333
+ Voucher Drops913.281 🎟️

Hmmm, SPS is down too. This is what I got last season:

  • Staking Rewards 7324.627
  • NET SPS 9310.149
  • Voucher Drops 1060.221 🎟️

I'm guessing people are just staking a lot more than they used to. I haven't really been keeping track of it.

One thing that I totally understand, but don't love, is that in the Modern league I'm below Bronze, because I haven't touched it in ages. The beauty of this game is that card choices end up being really different in the different leagues, so I literally lost 3 games in a row despite having maxed cards. I just don't know how to play that league. I'm just not going to put any time into it until I can add to my collection.

I really super hope my patience pays off with my unopened Chaos Legion and Riftwatchers packs. I'm forgoing SPS, EoS rewards and tournaments to try and profit later and buy better cards for cheaper. I have no idea if it will pay off.

Posted using SplinterStats Season Report Card (Website|Blog).
This once a season tool for Splinterlands players provides a template to reflect on and share their performance, card usage statistics and rewards summary for the season. More features will be released in the future.
Follow @splinterstats and come visit us in Discord if you have any questions.

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