Splinterlands Weekly Challenge – Aimless Ruleset

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Hello everyone, this time writing for the Splinterlands Weekly Challenge!
The topic of the week is the Aimless ruleset, let's get into it:



All monsters have the Scattershot ability.
Ranged and Magic attacks hit a random enemy target.

At the moment, the only summoner that gives Scattershot 25x25.png Scattershot ability is Conqueror Jacek.

And only 8 monsters have the Scattershot ability:

chaos dragonfinal.pnggem meteor 238x330.png


This battle the following rulesets are active:

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aimles.png AimlessFire & regret 60x60.png Fire & Regret
All Monsters have the Scattershot ability.All Monsters have the Return Fire ability.

Team Line- up

+1 Magic AttackObsidian. Since the Fire & Regret and Aimless ruleset is active, I prefer to use Magic monsters , so Obsidian is a great summoner that gives all my monsters +1 Magic Attack.
Magic ReflectFailed Summoner, in the Aimless ruleset, the frontline doesn't matter much, but I also didn't want to put a monster with low health, so for only 2 mana Failed (has 6 HP) it's pretty good.
NoneTortisian Chief, although it doesn't have any ability at level 2, this turtle does 2 magic damage( +1 thanks to Obsidian), and also has a good amount of HP, to resist some attacks.
WeakenSwamp Thing, its Weaken ability always helps kill enemy monsters faster by reducing -1 HP.
ProtectQueen Mycelia. In case the enemy wants to use some non-magical monsters, this Queen by giving 2 armor to all my monsters will protect them from dying easily.
SilenceMushroom Seer. Most likely my opponent wants to use magic monsters as well, for that reason a monster with the Silence ability will help a lot by reducing its magic attack damage -1 to all enemy monsters.
Tank HealGoblin Psychic. Lastly, a tank healer, if for some reason my opponent wanted to use a powerful monster that would do some hefty damage on my frontline, this Goblin will heal my Failed Summoner, so he stays in the battle a bit longer.


Before the battle, Obsidians gives +1 magic damage to all their allies, but magic monsters lose the buff due to Mushroom Seer's Silence ability.
Also Queens gives +2 armor to all allies.

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Round 1

Round 1.png

-Starting the battle, Tortisian Chief kills Magi of the Forest after he attacked my Failed Summoner who redirected his attack.
-Goblin Psychic destroys the enemy Mushroom Seer, and doing so all my monsters get +1 magic damage back.

Round 2

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-Tortisian, is on a kill streak by eliminating Djinn Biljka.
-The other monsters attacked randomly, but they all survived, some with low HP.

Round 3

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--With all my monsters alive, Tortisian starts to attack and kill the enemy Queen Mycelia.
-Khmer Princess, the only one from the enemy team to kill one of my monsters(Mushroom Seer).
-My Queen destroys the Golem, after it took damage from my Mushroom Seer.
-And the Goblin ends the battle by destroying Khmer Princess with a slow magic attack.

Full Battle:

(Unsupported https://3speak.tv/watch?v=aubryd/fveerndv)

Watch on Splinterlands

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Although my opponent and I used the same summoner, this time only one of my monsters was defeated.
In terms of damage, our damage was very similar, but Swamp Thing's Weaken ability was very useful, none of its backline monsters had more than 3 HP, and that gave me a huge advantage.
The Golem didn't help him much due to the Aimless ruleset, it was only a matter of time before all his allies were defeated to destroy him.



If you haven't played Splinterlands yet, I invite you to join with my referral link, it's an amazing strategy game and I hope you have a great experience with it.

That's all for now, have a great day!

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