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New Ruleset New Challenge

Black Classic The Dark Places Youtube Thumbnail (4).png

Heyyy yooooo
what's up Splinter Player around the world how are you doing?
In this content i want to share about the new ruleset in Splinterlands games. There are 5 new ruleset that really really challenging in this game. For me myself it is very hard to adapt with this new ruleset. Many times i lost to opponent using this new ruleset. I will share one of my battle that i am losing with this new ruleset. Wonder why opponent can adapt so well with this new ruleset. Maybe their brain is really AI. Just kidding. Just human like we are all. Maybe.



This new ruleset called Heavy Metal that means

You can only Summon Armored units.

So basically this ruleset will make player just picking the monster that having armor. Easy right?? Yeah it is very easy until you cannot combine their ability in game. Thats pretty hard with combining good ability with the armored monster only. Some monster with good ability having no armor. Thats why with this limitations i still need to learning ang watching many Pro Player using new meta with this ruleset. I dont know that really pro player or just helper with script that really good with new ruleset. Usually people will hardly to adapt with new things right. Or maybe they are special people with special power. For this ruleset i dont have any battle that having Heavy Metal ruleset.


This new ruleset called Beefcakes

You can only summon units with 5 or more health

So basically this ruleset will make player using big health to the their line up. Yeah kinda easy until knowing that many big health monster are tanker and Carry. And mostly dont have pretty good ability. Yeah maybe combining with new legendary summoner like Tofu will make this ruleset easier to arrange since Tofu is the savage summoner that can boosting almost 70-80% win rate in my opinion. Yet in Diamon league there is just few that having Tofu as summoner.

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Like this one i am losing to this new ruleset. Maybe i just having lack of cards especially rebellion cards edition. Yeah i am still buying little by little rebellion cards but the cheaper ones until reached max level first then i will buying the expensive ones.
And here the link of this battle

Beefcakes ruleset


This new ruleset called Deflection Field. I think the Tofu haters will love with this ruleset. Except it turns out very hard too when i am having in this situation with this ruleset.LOL. So, it basically means

All units have the reflection shield ability

So basically this ruleset will make all monster having reflection ability and immune to any back damage especially from thorns, return fire, magic reflect ability. And yeah with that immune some monster that really helpfull with that ability will be very useless especially like Pelacor Conjurer, Cursed Windeku,etc. And yeah i can say this ruleset will make the Tofu Spammer will stop a second using that summoner.Really hates when all the battle encountered with Tofu summoner all the time. Especially when i cannot rent this summoner due to empty in marketplace. This summoner is like delicious cake in the market even though the price is really expensive to rent.And here the link of the battle

Deflection Shield ruleset

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This new ruleset called Might Makes Right and that means

You can only summon units with 3 or more ranged, magic, or melee power.

So basically this ruleset will filtrating the monster that really strong with the attack into the battlefield. And yeah sometimes this ruleset will very helpfull. But, dont forget that lately many non attacker monster combined with weapons training ability sometimes can be a new and good meta strategies. But, with this ruleset it will be forced using and arranging with only tanker and attacker units only with just a few support in the battlefield. And yeah i am very hard to adapt with this ruleset.

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Especially when encountered with Tofu summoner. Thats pretty sucks!! When The summoner called Mylor from untamed edition going to Wild many player having joy with that. But now it comes Tofu that the step up from Mylor. That really sucks. And here the link of the battle

Might Makes Right


This new ruleset called Need for Speed. I think this ruleset feels like watching movie when Dom and Brian started their engine. LOL. And that means

You can only summon units with 3 or more speed.

So basically we just bring the fast monster into the battlefield but that doesn't mean it is the battle of the speed. But, we still need to think about the strategies out of the speed. And yeah some tanker like Baakjira cannot be used in the battlefield since the speed is under 3. And some of the tanker too. Thats sucks right. But yeah sometimes we need to think out of the box. And yeah in this ruleset battle i am lost too in the first try.

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Mostly the battle need some of new good strategy out there. Or maybe i am just distracted and dont know how to managed with this new ruleset. I am just human at all. So whats new will makes me confused or maybe i am just too old with something new.LOL.
And here the link of the battle

Need for Speed ruleset


So guys, what do you think about this new ruleset?? are you already found the new meta in this ruleset?
Maybe you can helping me sharing the battle in the comment below so that i can learn the new meta of this new ruleset. So, i am not wasting my energy to trying and losing when encountered with this new ruleset. I need to adapting in this new ruleset battle. Really. And i wonder why many people are good adapting in this new ruleset. And they are very good with their skill too. Maybe i can say that it is just too perfect to human afterall. Or maybe this game is really allowed cheater and botter in this game even though they said that banned all the cheater and botter. Since until now they cannot clarification about banned all the exploiter and cheater in this game.


In the end I am very thankfull for the reader that read my content hope you all enjoying this content, don't forget to upvote and leave comments. If you are interested in starting this game and don't have an account yet, you can use my referrals:

Thank you too for @arcange and all splinterlands curator that support by voting almost my content and hopefully support this one too
The wonderful divider by @kyo-gaming
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All images taken from Splinterlands website
