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Hello Warriors!!
How are you all I hope you all are doing well so without wasting any time let's get started.

Hello warriors I am back with another post so basically friends in this Post I will tell you about the card and the first card I choose is GOBLIN PSYCHIC and this is a very good card according to me this is a very good card because this card is powerful and also this card recover the health of another player in the battel you all know that the health is a very important part of the every game because if you have more health than the opponent health so you win the match very easily and this card recover the health of the other player and mana cost of this card is 6 and under 6 mana this is a very good card and this have a magic attack ability 1 Speed, 3 Health and the Tank Heal Ability and this card is from chaos legion.

My next Card is ORC SERGEANT and this is the card which I used in the previous battel The Lyverian army has found that troops are best trained by an Orc and this card is so scary and ugli and the ugliness of this Card is scared the other players and they are always shouting and snarling even when they calm and free mind and the families of the orcs are well rewarded by the seed coins and Mana cost of this card is 5 and this is a untamed edition and rarity of this card is it is a common card and ability of this card is Reach, Inspire and Regular Foil Burn Value is 10 DEC per BCX and Gold Foil Burn Value is 500 DEC per BCX.

The third Card which I used is DEEPLURKER this is the monster of the abyss and this card is from Chaos Legion and rarity of this card is this is a common card and this found in water and CP: 5 / 125 and cost of this card is $0.28 / $4.55 and basically it's a very big card and has very good damage and also I try to select this card in the next gameplay.